The Major Changes

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The Major Changes

Post by Vinz »

There has been changes to both Guilds and the Organization as a whole.

I know, Changes! SCARY! This has been put into affect for a few weeks and I know a lot of people have been getting a bit upset with it. A few things to lay out for my own sanity and to hopefully calm some worries. Some guilds have had a lot of abilities removed and we get those calling, "NERF!" (Which by the way, i hate the crap out of that word but that's a whole other post). There are still some aspects of these changes that need to be addressed and will be resolved as quick as I can get to them.

Utasa have had a LARGE amount of abilities removed - In their place they have been given a MAJOR upgrade. They now have access to a great deal of things quickly and even some things have been replaced with better versions of the same. Now they still do have a few powers coming and more in discussion (As they always are) but after these changes they have been left with actually more options than they had before.

Udemi have lost a single power which has interacted with one of the other skills. This will be addressed soon, however some new things will be put into play that are directly related to an on going storyline that I know quite a few people are involved in.

Chapterhouse has been redone in quite a few ways. Again, a majority of these changes have been simplifications as well as upgrades. Chapterhouse now has some things available literally no where else in the world. These upgrades will continue and if it absolutely HAS to be listed i suppose i will break down and put a list some place of all of these improvements. If someone knew Chapterhouse before, they will see and know the changes. Otherwise, i will do as much as i can to make sure my players know what they have access too.

Some of these upgrades have been directly in response to player ideas AND player actions. Remember, we live in a living world in Clok, opinions and actions CAN and do make a difference. As it is, I'd say roughly half of the changes to Chapterhouse have been player ideas. I loved the ideas AND I put them into action i thought quickly. I really hope that aspect of was felt by the membership. I want to give you guys a great experience of being in an organization that is adapting and moving forward.

Finally, there are going to be some "Secret" or "Restricted" areas for some players to have access to secret or restricted items. This will be done based on reputation within the guild. Reputation within the organization will raise as you help the organization. There are a lot of actions that will help you on this path and also some actions that will lower your reputation. This will come with a letter of recommendations and the likes so if you suddenly has access to these places, you will be notified and thanked for your service to the organization. None of these items will be things anyone HAS to have. These are also going to be kept secret so that the people who do have access to them, have some advantage.

As a new Guru (And full time guild master honestly) I've become a bit worried that everyone has been rather upset with changes. I really thought I was making a lot of positive and more importantly needed changes. The guild changes in themselves have been a long to coming change, I think in the end its going to make things better and more interesting. I really hope my organization members have been enjoying the on going plot, fighting the infested menace and are growing closer as a community. The Tse Gaiyan have always been a great aspect of this game and I hope my presence behind them has made it more enjoyable for everyone.

I hope in this next year we can see some really amazing stuff and get everyone a little time in the spot light to shine. There is still a lot to do.

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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Fayne »

Okay, first, I wanna say that I speak for only myself here and no one else.

Okay, the Chapterhouse changes, LOVE THEM. The Chapterhouse used to be a maze, and even knowing what led where I still found myself getting lost every now and again. Now, the layout is simple, easy to navigate, and I'm looking forward to the remaining changes you have planned.

The Utasa changes I love as well. I never was a big fan of the Utasa, and still won't play one likely, but I think getting them away from hand-wavey unexplainable magic has been a great benefit, I can already tell, as wavebending was always what I liked the least about Utasa. I'm interested to see what you do with the Udemi next.

And now I have to do some raining on this parade. I'm not a fan of how the organization's attitude and structure is anymore. Maybe this is just because I played for about a year or more as an Udemi the way they used to be, maybe not. All I know is there have been a couple of things that I've disagreed with, because it doesn't feel like Tse Gaiyan as I've always seen them. I know, everything I know about them is subject to change and retconning at any time, but I really feel like Tse Gaiyan is becoming a whole different kind of organization, and I'm not digging it. Anyway, if you want me to go into specifics, I'd be happy to in a skype chat or PM, since I don't want to go blabbing everything about our guild on the forums.

Overall, I'd say I'm happy with the new guru-ship. Keep the improvements coming, and let's make Tse Gaiyan better than it ever has been before.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by sona »

I think Vinz has done an excellent job, I know I struggled a bit to keep up with and fulfill as much of the orders as I could and at the same time learned quite a bit as well, while encouraging others to get involved as well. I'm feeling a bit jealous that you guys have such an awesome GM. I'm sure Jirato will have some stuff in the works too, and I look forward to getting more involved in that stuff, too.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by merin »

as to not allow for guild stuff to be spilled there's a solution:
make the boards private.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by blindndangerous »

I also like the way that the organization is going now, and am looking forward to playing my udemi more, and my utasa now. I never played my utasa much because I never was a fan of wavebending, and since that's all the guild wanted you to do, that's why i decided to make alts. Now that it's gone, I think he may make a few more appearances, at least for more serious discussions. but, I look forward to continuing to play my udemi, and bringing my utasa around for smaller things. Thanks Vinz for the great work for the organization, and I can't wait to see what other things you have in store. I'd be curious to hear about the attitude that you think is wrong with organization though, but since you didn't say here, I guess we won't know.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Luvela »

I like the changes that was made, an awesome job was done to the chapter house and now I don't get as lost in there as I used to get. Used to get confusing navigating your way in there. Now these new up and coming changes I'm rather looking forward and excited to see them, since such an awesome job was done with the chapter house, I'm sure the new changes will just be as awesome.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Vinz »

Feel free to send me a private message Fayne. As well anyone can always feel free to shoot me a message if they have questions.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Rias »

Fayne wrote:I'm not a fan of how the organization's attitude and structure is anymore. Maybe this is just because I played for about a year or more as an Udemi the way they used to be, maybe not. All I know is there have been a couple of things that I've disagreed with, because it doesn't feel like Tse Gaiyan as I've always seen them. I know, everything I know about them is subject to change and retconning at any time, but I really feel like Tse Gaiyan is becoming a whole different kind of organization, and I'm not digging it. Anyway, if you want me to go into specifics, I'd be happy to in a skype chat or PM, since I don't want to go blabbing everything about our guild on the forums.
Just providing this link for reference. It states the Tse Gaiyan's purpose and the reason it was originally established, as written by Rithiel and unchanged (minus the map of the IG chapterhouse being taken out due to the current remodeling):

From what I can tell, Vinnie has been sticking to that. I'll probably add a little more about the origins, since Rithiel and I discussed that together a while back - particularly the bit about the Fasa focusing on rooting out infestation in the forests and wilderness, while the Viali knight later came to them and notified them of the resen's presence and threat within the cities and human-populated places of the world, and eventually caused the Utasa branch to be established as part of the Tse Gaiyan organization.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Fayne »

Vinz and I have chatted a bit, and I redact my ungappiness. I was misunderstanding things ICly, which led me tk false conclusions, and I think while thjngs are perfectly clear at the moment, that's how they should be given certain events happening right now, and they should be cleared up soon. So, Vinz, I see no flaws. Keep up the good work, and thank you for helping clear things up with me.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Vinz »

As with all things, asking questions makes one think sometimes. it did lead me to know for sure some things i took for granted and more importantly has gotten me access to more old logs/information. its one of those, "i never thought to ask for it" things. So having questions and concerns is always a good thing and fayne did approach in a very polite manner. Politeness and asking for clarity can go a long way. i do still owe fayne a longer form response as well to their message.

This has also lead me to understand some fundamental flaws with my own approach and things that i will take steps to remedy. I am hoping for a much more unified approach to the organization but with devisions amoung the two guilds. They should be able to work seemlessly together, but not lose their own identity. Druids belong in the forest, agents in the city. both working to stop the infestation for spreading on mass. Its the largest problem that affects every city and potionally every person in the lost lands!
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Fayne »

Speaking of each having their own identity, I need to find an Utasa to have a Legolas/Gimli relationship with. Infested invasions will be fun! "I killed more than you, I was counting."
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Garrett »

Given the new tech savvy flavor of the Utasa, how you all feel about providing Utasa with a guild shop for some concealable firearms such as flintlocks and revolvers?
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Fayne »

I dunno, I like non-gun-toting Utasa better than the idea of cane-musket Utasa, even though now that I think about it, a can-musket sounds like an ingenious idea.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Lavi »

I don't think we'll be getting revolvers, I love using a Firearms as a Utasa. I think that Utasa have a lot of flexibility that they've not had before. Can't wait to see the rest of the abilities and things that come out of it.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Lun »

I think a cane musket is a great secret-weapon idea for the secret agent Utasa, but revolvers doesn't seem up their alley.

Also I'm selfish and I want to keep revolvers limited in production...
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Rias »

I think CLOK muskets are far too large and bulky to be believably concealed as canes, sorry. If there was such a thing, it would likely be considered a rare item not available for common purchase.

Revolvers are largely acquired and managed by people who would never consider selling them to Utasa. Independent producers/sellers/smugglers tend to mysteriously shut down or disappear.

A shop with some flintlocks and maybe limited-quantity pepperboxes could be fun, but that depends on whether Vinz finds it appropriate.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by baerden »

Crossbow pistols, man.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Lavi »

[ESP-GRAY - Shadowy-Gray]: No no (player) , you were right, it's wonderful. I think I'll send in my application today. I can't wait to partake in the parties there. I just have one question, will I need to kidnap my own child, or will there be some there for those who are un able to.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by merin »

crossbows. heck yes.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Fayne »

I was thinking crossbows for Udemi, but that brings up a good question: would a crossbow depend on your archery or firearms skill? That could really be the deciding factor, since if they'd depend on archery it would make more sense to give them to Udemi since we have the skill already and related abilities, and I REFUSE to share my bow abilities with a bunch of stinky Utasa city-folk. :P
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Rias »

Crossbows = Crossbows skill.

I can't imagine Udemi not focused around bows. I'd say crossbows would be more Utasa than Udemi, but that's just me. Flintlocks are smaller and more concealable, but they're noisy and relatively inaccurate. If you're going for the ultimate in concealable ranged weapons, I'd say use a sling! Tuck it away in a pocket, disguise and wear it as a necklace or bracelet, weave it into your hair, stuff it into your boots, wear it as/under a belt! The ammunition you can disguise as all sorts of things - runestones, large dice, paperweights, marbles, lesser precious stones or gems, pet rocks ...
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Fayne »

Actual pets? Can I have kitty-shot? Beware my kittens of doom! They are trained d'aaaaaawsassins!
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by Lavi »

I would totally work on a crossbow skill! I'm fighting off the swoon factor, but just barely.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by baerden »

Rias wrote:Crossbows = Crossbows skill.

I can't imagine Udemi not focused around bows. I'd say crossbows would be more Utasa than Udemi, but that's just me. Flintlocks are smaller and more concealable, but they're noisy and relatively inaccurate. If you're going for the ultimate in concealable ranged weapons, I'd say use a sling! Tuck it away in a pocket, disguise and wear it as a necklace or bracelet, weave it into your hair, stuff it into your boots, wear it as/under a belt! The ammunition you can disguise as all sorts of things - runestones, large dice, paperweights, marbles, lesser precious stones or gems, pet rocks ...

I was suggesting a small crossbow like device for Utasa, not Udemi.

Actually, crossbows are no different than firearms in actual use besides the 'loading' part which isn't a test of skill but rather a time period.

You are just aiming with a pistol or rifle like frame, lining up sights just like a pistol, and firing a heavy 'bolt', more like a bullet, and less like an arrow.

Crossbows are actually considered 'rifles' and you are only allowed to hunt deer with a crossbow during rifle season with exceptions because the flight path is so straight and the feet per second or velocities achieved by the bolt are insane.
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Re: The Major Changes

Post by baerden »

I just imagined the ultimate Utasa weapon.

If you are familiar with air compressed rifles that use a handle to 'pump' up a cavity and then releases it behind a projectile to fire, the idea is very similar, but more .. crazy Grummer doodad Clok style.

Imagine a long cylinder that due to where the cylinder 'breaks' in half, only requires one 'pump' due to the travel of the vacuum.. thingy and could shoot lead shot if you're boring, or special agent Utasa looking 'bolt shells' that resemble a bullet but longer, somehat like a crossbow bolt and can be filled with liquids... like... lamp oil... stink bomb.... itching powder.... unusually slippery oils.... that have secondary effects after hitting. The 'advanced' air rifle is nearly silent in operation, perfect for the Utasa. Its one shot, and it would shoot at velocities lower than gunpowder, but the 'bullet' has more mass. And it could be yours, if the price is riiiight!

You could even have bolt shells that hold gun powder. Designed like modern exploding arrows, to cylindrical vessels one overlapping the other with gunpowder inside. When it strikes a solid object the two cylinders compress in as they are sleeved, and this ignites the gunpowder in the shell on contact.
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