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Post by Elystole »

The state of swimming saddens me. I love exploring and finding the little nooks people hide that can only be found by looking, climbing, and/or swimming. But right now I can't get some places because swimming has been soft capped at 10.12 for a long time. I say soft capped because apparently it was possible to train it higher if you knew the right spot, but by time I ICly learned about that spot it had been blown up.

If I recall correctly, the reason swimming was soft-capped is because it didn't have any risk. I suggest adding current to some water rooms with the difficulty of swimming checks being determined by the strength of the current.

To stay in a water room with a current means you have to pass a periodic swimming check. Failure means you get washed downstream and might take drowning damage (for going under) or impact damage (for hitting stuff). Try not to go over the waterfall.

Failing a swimming check to go somewhere because of the current means you flounder in that spot. It's a waste of time and energy which can be deadly if you're swimming.

Instead of a flat "you need this much swimming to cross a river" it could be a swimming check against the river's current. Failure means you get washed downstream a few rooms and take the appropriate drowning and/or impact damage.

You could give shallow water rooms a current if you want to make crossing them treacherous. Shallow water doesn't mean safe. It could sweep you off your feet.
[Beach] (OutWldBeSdDt) [subtropical] Mild, Overcast, Light Breeze
The area consists of subtropical sandy coast. The boundless ocean extends out to the southwest, west and northwest. A river blocks passage to the east, southeast and south.
The area is mostly quiet.
Also here: your dusky gray warhorse.
Obvious paths: west (deep), northwest (deep), north, northeast, east (river), southeast (river), southwest (deep), south (river).

swim west
What, you're just going to swim across the boundless ocean?
No, I'm going to go swim in the ocean for fun just like I do every time I visit the beach. Or I was. The ocean might not have current but it has waves that could either push you back to shore or toss you about for drowning damage. If the ocean was bigger, you could have the possibility of being dragged further out to sea.
You overhear the following rumor:
"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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Re: Swimming

Post by Rias »

Regarding the ocean thing, it's because ocean stuff isn't fully hammered out yet, so it's currently not possible to go play in the water yet.
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Re: Swimming

Post by faylen »

I'd just like to add that swimming does have its risks. My character has drowned at least twice. Perhaps swimming skill could have something to do with just how long you can stay afloat without tiring, or how much energy is lost per time, something like that? I'd definitely love to see swimming skill mean something and be trainable again with some of the more challenging swims out there now.
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