Recruiting/app/pre-gen characters

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Recruiting/app/pre-gen characters

Post by Vitello »

Thinking about hiring personel to give ic reason for new faces in the outpost.

Thing is should it be application? Vetted Player? I'm willing to put down some serious riln to sustain some new characters and the outpost economy. The question is how do I do so reliably and not just pouring riln on some random player/character?

Recruiting pre-established characters isn't very feasable as most seem well grounded in their current towns and relationships.
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Re: Recruiting/app/pre-gen characters

Post by Vitello »

I'm toying with even going so far as house servants and laborers with access to the storehouse. But trust is an issue.
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Re: Recruiting/app/pre-gen characters

Post by Lysse »

Your best bet (in terms of 'trust') would be to prearrange something with someone you already know, which is problematic because it relies on potentially pulling someone away from their current favorite character.

But really, I'd say look around ICly. There are PCs that are motivated by Riln purely, it just sometimes takes a bit of effort to find them. Sorcerers are another likely group of people who would be more willing to integrate into the Outpost.

I'd also suggest getting more integrated, yourself, in roleplay outside of the Outpost, probably mostly in Mistral or even Haiban, to find those sorts of folks. It's usually more rewarding to establish IC relationships through IC means, compared to OOC means.
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