What's your characters favourite item and why?

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What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Evelyn »

Hi guys! I thought it would be fun to tell everyone what the favourite item your char has and why?

Evelyn's is her dolly -

a ragged cloth doll with a tiny wooden hammer

This crude little doll has been given long yellow strips of yarn as hair and tiny shards of turquoise for eyes. A comically grim expression crosses its tiny mouth. Its clothing consists of bits of brown and black fur, sewn together in at attempt to cover its body. The tiny hammer has been permanently attached to its arm with black yarn.

Evelyn was given this by little Lisa from the orphanage for her birthday about three years ago. It's her most prized possession and it goes everywhere with her.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by faylen »

I think Faylen's most prized posession is a weapon she was gifted by another PC some time back. Sadly due to the material of the item, it's not repairable so she doesn't actually use it anymore, but she keeps it anyway because it was an expected and cherished gift.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Alexander »

A detailed map of Ave Luce in the Viali capital city of Sbarco. This was given to Alexander at a time when he was still new in the Lost Lands, and feeling extremely homesick. The one to give it to him was the first person to meet him, and the two had formed a strong friendship as they were both each others' first real friend after having left their respective homelands. The map is currently hanging on the wall of his living cell in Shadgard, and it still causes him to remember fondly that friendship from his first days in the Lost Lands.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Jaster »

I have some good stuff. My collection of firestones. Kent's skinning knives. Several guild specific items, not of my guild (epic). My sweet Faewyr cloak. All my fancy jewelry. My pocketwatch. And a certain notorious (legendary?) dual-feathered hat, though Sethen has that now.

Oh, and I almost forgot.... pink frilly curtains.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Lae »

Gee...I have a lot of stuff that I like too. My top three favorites would be Lae's wedding ring, the holly bead bracelet that someone gave to Sethen, and the awesome cookbook that Bryce gave Lae for Christmas.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Ardor »

Probably Ardors mule:

This stout, grouchy-looking beast is clearly a landino mule, a breed prized for their strength and unwavering will, though they are also infamously stubborn, even amongst mules.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Kent »

Thank you Evelyn, for bringing up this question.

If Kent had to loose all his items except for one, Kent would hold onto a burnished flintlock revolver with a fine-grain cedar handle, customized back in the day by Wynthor. A real beaut of a firearm.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Laroremas »

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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by TwistedAkai »

Zaki's is probably her blanket. Which sadly never gets to see the light of day because blankets are the most proppy props in the entire MUD.
You also notice the corpse of a canim scavenger (x169).
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Lun »

Zeel has an amethyst-inset medallion that caught his fancy and he hasn't let it leave his side since. It's just a regular loot grinder item, some other fellow got a garnet-inset medallion (but his was shoddy quality while mine was above average muwuhahaha!) but it was the first time I got something cool from a box and I like medallions, too.

He also doesn't tuck it away and it proudly hangs over his permanent fancy outfit. But that's because the medallion can't be tucked away.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Orris »

a sun-bleached sailcloth duffel
Because it says so much about my character, people can deduce a lot just by looking at it.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Lysse »

Due to the nature of the character, Lysse has very few items that she cares about a great deal. But among them are a bedrool given to her by Faylen, and a shortsword she took from a certain Mercenary. Unfortunately, I think both of the items were lost, so I can't show specific descriptions.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Avedri »

A pewter mug.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Jaster »

Avedri wrote:A pewter mug.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Avedri »

Jaster wrote:
Avedri wrote:A pewter mug.

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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Matilda »

Matilda's favorite items would be her jewelry, a note she received, and her wind-up gearset bauble.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by baerden »

My fav item would have been the few scale-mail headdress's I lifted off the mines liches. I dont have them anymore though :(

I imagine them as like, a scaled cowl with raven feathers that tuffed out and ran down in two lines like two mohawks that ran down both sides of the crown of your head and neck. (Not straight down the center kind of mohawk.)
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Makkah »

I have like 10 alts. Love a lot of items on all of them.

Number 3 is a fairly simple facewrap. It hides Spearhead's face from curious folks:
tap face
You tap the napped gray linen face-wrap painted with stark white geometric patterns you are wearing.

Number 2 is a crystal ball I have on an obscure alt of mine. A soothsayer to be certain. This item was created by some amazing GM some time ago... and it is absolutely brilliant:

take ball
You remove a flawless translucent crystal ball from the black oilcloth satchel you are wearing.

l ball
The translucent crystal ball is flawlessly spherical and smooth. The interior appears dim and cloudy somehow, preventing you from seeing through it.

peer ball
You stare intently into your flawless translucent crystal ball, attempting to divine meaning from its misty depths...
The mist within the flawless translucent crystal ball takes on a shade of orange as you feel a sense of confidence and courage.
(energy -25)
Roundtime: 10 seconds.

There are maybe 10 scripts with different colors/"feels". Makes things really fun to predict for passers-by.

Number 1... well... that's a mess. It's my favorite and least favorite item in the whole game. It is an item I won at last year's Grummer festival:

a steam-operated bronze contraption

Various gauges and brass tubes cover this odd device. At one end there is a large gaping hole and at the other there is a small button which one could poke. Under some interwoven tubes is a small plaque etched with some faded writing. Overall the device is made with an outstanding degree of workmanship and shows some manner of artistic flair.
You might read the Common Letters written on it.

You read the Common Letters written on a steam-operated bronze contraption:
%$%d# 786

A year and change later and still have no idea what it does. Huh.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Acarin »

Key-holder shackle (need to get this changed so I can wear it again), wearable little Acarin toy from Kiki, My ocelot "Pisser" (still working on the name a year later), and my quick release wrist sheaths (they make dual katars fun!).
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Rias »

an ominous looking card
l card
It's the dreaded "It's my game and I'll do what I want!" card. (A gift to Rias from Jirato, to be used on other stubborn GMs.)
You might read the Common Letters written on it.

read card
You read the Common Letters written on an ominous looking card:
This card grants the bearer all rights and options to do whatever the heck they want. After all, it is their game and they can do whatever they want.

It's in the museum part of the Mentor/OOC area.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by jilliana »

Gosh wow...I am particularly partial to a variety of things.
Kyskie made Jilliana an outfit along with a beautiful set of armor that all matches. Along with the outfit is an awesome satchel that would equal to the endless pit.
Jilliana is also partial to a letter a fellow Templar sent her.
Another thing is, of course, the pearl cockatiel she got from this year's Grum Festival. He seems to do just the right thing at the right time to break the tention any time something is discussed in the Jilliana household.
Her kitchen!
Her dream object would be something she would receive from the church when she dies a few hundred more times and nearly dies a few hundred more.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Skah »

Until today, Skah's favorite item was his roughspun brown wool robe.

But that was before his stained bedsheet with eyeholes, wearable as a ghost costume!
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by preiman »

i too have quite a few alts, though few of them have really been playing long enough to acquire truly unique or favored objects, the exceptions are Preiman, who loves his "indigos" a set of indigo ridged leather armor he had made for him, even though he really can't use them anymore because they interfere with his channeling. and Viridiana has a spider headed wooden back scratcher that she loves because of the items association with ritualistic poisonings.
"I don't think we're ever going to find out what is going on with these canim, where are they coming from?!"
Kent arrives from the southeast.
Kent hugs you.
say um
You say, "Um."
a Mistral Lake sentry arrives from the east, armor clanking.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by preiman »

Bumping this because it's fun
"I don't think we're ever going to find out what is going on with these canim, where are they coming from?!"
Kent arrives from the southeast.
Kent hugs you.
say um
You say, "Um."
a Mistral Lake sentry arrives from the east, armor clanking.
Kent heads north.
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Re: What's your characters favourite item and why?

Post by Fayne »

Fayne's of course is her portfolio. It's really just a normal portfolio anyone could get from the Mistral book store, but it has a few drawings in it from different points in time as I was playing her. It really speaks a lot about what her priorities have been over time, and really shows a bit of her character. I really should start making more frequent additions, and I like it so much I may just do the same with another character, altered to fit them of course.
A scrawny alley cat stares after the dog with big green eyes.
Speaking to a scrawny alley cat, you ask, "Friend of yours?"
A scrawny alley cat hisses angrily.
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