Weapon Damage and Repairs

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Weapon Damage and Repairs

Post by jilliana »

There was the recent implementation of weapon repairing, and so far, and at least to me, it's been working great for the most part. However, here's a slight issue.
Some guilds are heavily ependent on metal weapons being top knotch, or at least in some reasonable condition because, obviously, the more damaged it is the less damage it'll do to a foe. As it stands, the only damage an NPC will do is heavily damaged. A PC can do the rest, but why have a PC do it for more than what an NPC would if I can just take it to them, even if it's just battered. (Consider it supporting the local economy.)
Basically, I am suggesting that it'd be really great if we could get our metal weapons repaired any time we think they need repairing, instead of taking them in when we see that they are heavily damaged.
What say yall?
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Re: Weapon Damage and Repairs

Post by Skjotur »

I have to make replacement tools now. I like it.
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Re: Weapon Damage and Repairs

Post by Elystole »

I've been turning my metal weapons in for repair when they've been scuffed.
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"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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