My little girl has arrived.

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My little girl has arrived.

Post by clayton »

Hello everyone.This is an update on baby Cerenity and her mommy.
Cerenity Danielle was born at 11:00 on Nov 18. She is 6.9 pounds, and is 19 inches long.
We first went to the hospital on Friday night on the 15th, but after being there only a few hours, and with Cindy only being about three centimeters dialated,
they sent us home.
Cindy was in early labor all weekend, until sunday evening. Aroud 6:00PM her contractions started becoming more intense, and our Doula recommended we
get an ambulance to take us to the hospital and she'd meet us there.
We arrived at the hospital at about 8:00PM. They told us Cindy was four centimeters dialated at that point, so they set us up in a room. Cindy was in
active labor from that time, till 10:45AM. Meanwhile, around 2:10AM Monday morning, she made the dicision to have an Epidural. After receiving it, her
water started breaking at 3:20AM, and fully broken maybe three hours later.
she started receiving pitocin a little after 7:00AM. They increased the dosage every hour from that point on, so by 10:45, the head was visible, and the
doctor was called.
She pushed for only about 15 minutes before little Cerenit was born.
Both Mom and baby are doing well, although Cerenity has a few little things going on. First she has a slightly high rectal temperature of 102, but that
resolved itself. after that she had a spell, where she turned blue and stopped breathing for a moment.
They were going to do a lumbar puncture, but her spinal bones are too close together, so they're just going to give her antobiotics over the next 48 hours
or so and keep her in the NICU for observation. Cindy is free to breastfeed her at any time.
Cindy was also able to feed Cerenity after she was checked out, after being delivered. Cerenity did eat a little bit. I got a chance to hold her as well.
Both Mommy and baby did really well and I'm very proud of both of them.
That's all I have for now. If Cindy has anything to add she can send a reply.
Matt Weaver
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by Nootau »

I would like to be one of the first here to congratulate both of you and hope for a at least a few nights where you can sleep the whole night in the up coming weeks!
Last edited by Nootau on Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by Kiyaani »

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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by Vertebrate »

Great to hear! Congrats!

Michelle (Clok PCs Hadya, Solaje) gave birth to "Jack baby" (as my 2 year old calls him) last week. He too had some pounds, ounces, inches, n stuff! 7 lbs 8 oz 19 inches, easy peasey all natural labor and a speeding recovery.
Last edited by Vertebrate on Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by Bryce »

Congrats, buddy! Your life just got a lot busier, and a lot more meaningful.
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by faylen »

Wow, congrats to you both! Praying for the best for all of you and that the observation in the NICU goes smoothly. Sounds like a rough weekend but I'm glad things have worked out. Also, love the little one's name!
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by TwistedAkai »

You also notice the corpse of a canim scavenger (x169).
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by Isiaa »

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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by Skjotur »

Congrats. It's a big responsibility, good luck being a great dad. Give it your all.
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by River »


Hope she continues to improve and get better!
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by River »

Michelle (Clok PCs Hadya, Solaje) gave birth to "Jack baby" (as my 2 year old calls him) last week. He too had some pounds, ounces, inches, n stuff! 7 lbs 8 oz 19 inches, easy peasey all natural labor and a speeding recovery.[/quote]

congrats as well!
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by Rias »

Congratulations, and welcome to parenthood!
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Re: My little girl has arrived.

Post by keah »

I am the mommy in Clayton's post, and I would just like to thank all of you for your messages replying to this. Cerenity is doing much better, albeit having to be on a heart monitor, much to the dismay of both of her parents. I say that because, we feel like she doesn't need to be on it, as in the time she's been home and on the monitor, she hasn't set it off once. One thing I will say though is, she takes after Daddy and eats, and eats, and eats, and ... did I forget to mention she eats? Just in case I forgot to say it, she eats! And did you know, she eats? Hahahaha. She was 6 pounds 9 ounces when she as born. Her low in the NICU was 6.32 pounds, and she is now a whopping 8 pounds 3 ounces, nearly 8 and a quarter pounds! Holy cow! I am sad I am for all intents and purposes no longer able to breastfeed, but that's what happens when you're separated from your baby at birth and on top of that we think she has tongue tie, making it hard for her to latch on with any regularity. Nonetheless she is doing okay and so is mommy. My hormones have been jumping all over the place, but that too is to be expected. I only hope it doesn't stinkin' last! I like normalcy and right now, I'm anything but! Hahaha. It's just hard to believe our miracle girl will be a month old on Wednesday!
That's the update from here. Take care.

Cindy A.K.A. Keah (pronounced Keeah)
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