Compass size

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Compass size

Post by Barius »

I have no idea if this is a suggestion people (especially GMs) would like or not, but I'm throwing it out here all the same.

The compass size is very small. I have played one other game with a similar compass system and it actually varied in size depending on what sorts of abilities you had. If you were an outdoorsy/ranger/druid type class you would be able to see further out, as well as if you had any sort of vision enhancing abilities. Most people would see the basic small compass, but if you were one of those above types, the extra sight was a very nice bonus.

Would Clok be interested in that sort of implementation?

Edit for clarification: I'm suggesting this only for the world map, NOT sub-map areas.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Lysse »

I think something like that would be great either as a Druidic ability or a general Outdoors/Woodscrafty ability (in case a mundane 'ranger/forester' guild gets implemented. It would also work with Wavebending I think, for the Utasa.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Jaster »

I don't see why a druid would be able to see further out just for being a druid. Maybe it should change based on the area type equally for everyone if it were implemented. Naturally a person can see at a longer distance in a plains environment, but a person can only see so far in a forest regardless of who they are. It has little to do with the viewer and much to do with the view.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Barius »

Jaster wrote:I don't see why a druid would be able to see further out just for being a druid. Maybe it should change based on the area type equally for everyone if it were implemented. Naturally a person can see at a longer distance in a plains environment, but a person can only see so far in a forest regardless of who they are. It has little to do with the viewer and much to do with the view.
I would argue that as someone in tune with the Gaea, it would not be so much a "sight" as a "sense" and it isn't like you could peer any further than what's immediately around you anyway. But I do see your view. I'm curious what other people think as well.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Lysse »

Could be something regarding terrain. Perhaps areas that are hilly or plains-y(I don't think that's a word) that have the Tracking skill (since it requires a decent perception score) can see farther. That might be too much of a stretch, but it seems viable to me.

Other than that, nothing comes to mind off of the top of my head.
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Re: Compass size

Post by TwistedAkai »

As much as I like this idea, I wonder about how much work it would be for the devs, given the compass appears to be generated from a 'here' perspective. This can be seen at a particular crossroad where the direction of the line on the compass changes for different rooms.

If the devs are willing to do it, though, I'd be happy just to get one extra room of radius.

On the other hand, I feel this could further disadvantage players using a screen reader, who might not be able to use the map. If any such players are willing to speak up, I'd personally be interested in their input.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Drayla »

I don't see this idea being implementable unless perhaps adding one more room to the radius in plains. The "rooms" in the wilderness are supposed to represent a few miles each, not just a few hundred yards or so. If you want better clarification, GMs have confirmed that the correct distance reference between rooms is one league for every room in the wilderness. For further evaluation, one of the rooms in Tarueka Environs area in the shallows of the river states that the opposite shore can be seen a few miles away, and the rivers themselves do not actually occupy a full room. My point is, I doubt anyone could ever actually from one side of a "room" to the other (especially in forested areas), let alone even more several miles into the one beyond what is around their immediate area. I imagine the only reason 'peer' works is because you could actually move to the edge of the area you are in and see into the bordering area without actually entering it. And let me say I am sorry in advance if this leads to another argument of space versus travel RT.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Laroremas »

I like this idea.

A ranger would not need to see the land in order to know what it will be. He or she has probably traveled it thousands upon thousands of times.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Rias »

This is something I've thought about at various points, but ultimately I don't think I'll ever do it. It'd be neat, and it's not like being able to see the general terrain of a room two rooms over is a significant bonus or anything, but eh. If I ever did, it'd likely just be something everyone has be default, no special abilities require. Like you could see two rooms in a direction in open terrains, but forests/mountains hills would block line of sight. I dunno. Seems like too much effort/thought for something that's not really useful.

Some specific abilities/items/spells that allow you to peer multiple rooms in a specific direction might be cool, though. Then you could actually see what was in there instead of just the terrain, making it at least marginally useful.
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Re: Compass size

Post by Barius »

Rias wrote: Some specific abilities/items/spells that allow you to peer multiple rooms in a specific direction might be cool, though. Then you could actually see what was in there instead of just the terrain, making it at least marginally useful.
I would be happy with this.
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