
Announcements that don't fit into another category.
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Post by Rias »

Certain items can be gathered into piles and lit to make campfires!
[Wildernes, Conifer Forest]
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is completely silent.
Obvious paths: west, east, southwest.

forage stick
[Roll Result: 51]
You forage around for a bit and manage to find a stick!
Roundtime: 5 seconds.

forage stick
[Roll Result: 59]
You forage around for a bit and manage to find a stick!
Roundtime: 5 seconds.

drop stick
You drop a stick.

drop stick
You drop a stick.

gather stick
You gather each stick into a single pile, ending up with 2 items total in the pile.

[Wildernes, Conifer Forest]
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice a stick pile.
Obvious paths: west, east, southwest.

get firestone
You remove some firestones from the weathered canvas duffle bag you are wearing.

light pile
You strike some firestones together several times, producing several bright sparks.
You use some firestones to light a stick pile.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

[Wildernes, Conifer Forest]
Coniferous trees dominate the area. Tall mountains rise abruptly to the south.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice a campfire.
Obvious paths: west, east, southwest.

say ::campfire Cozy.

Speaking to a campfire, you say, "Cozy."
Never mind that 2 sticks would make a lousy campfire. For what it's worth, it only burned for about a minute. The more sticks you gather, the longer it'll burn, and the more light it will provide.
The lore compels me!
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