#clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

A place to socialize out-of-character and off-topic.
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#clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

Post by Rias »

Those who communicate with me outside the game know I hate Skype. I've used it for a while to chat with some CLOKers, but I can't stand it anymore. If anybody wants to chat with me or, in the freak event that multiple people want to chat about CLOK while not being in the actual game (and not on friggin Skype), I set up an IRC channel on freenode.

Server: irc.freenode.net
Channel: #clokchat
My nick: whelk

If you're oldschool enough to play a text-based MUD, you should have no problem with IRC.

As a fun bonus, I'm looking into linking this channel with in-game OOC chat via an IRC bot that would communicate between the two.
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Re: #clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

Post by Kiyaani »

Aw... Skype isn't so bad. I don't know what IRC is, but I'm sure Avedri can educate me.
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Re: #clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

Post by Avedri »

It's the beverage duh. JK Consider her educated.
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Re: #clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

Post by Rias »

For those struggling to find a good client for IRC, Pidgin is pretty good. It's not a dedicated IRC client but it's multi-protocol, so you can use it to condense your IRC, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber (Googletalk), Facebook, and a ton of other protocols into one.

No, it doesn't do Skype. Hah.

There should be options under sound options to enable alerts for chat messages, as I've seen a few people complain about a lack of chat alerts.
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Re: #clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

Post by Rias »

IRC chat in #clokchat now echoes to in-game OOC chat. option 15 can be used to ignore IRC chat on the in-game OOC channel.
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Re: #clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

Post by TwistedAkai »

Revival! Once the dust settles in the OOC/Chat experimentation, what are the odds the bot will get updated?

Also, maybe instead of echoing all chat, the bot could echo only chat beginning with a particular cue, or require linking your nickname with a particular character before it will echo (as a possible way to make ignoring and karma enforcement possible)? The linking of course would be long-term.

Another possibility could maybe be ignoring specific IRC names by preceding the name with IRC- (example: "IRC-TwistedAkai")?
You also notice the corpse of a canim scavenger (x169).
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Re: #clokchat IRC Channel (I hate Skype)

Post by Jirato »

Thankfully we haven't had anyone really abusing this to bypass karma/chatban/ignore yet. You bring a good point though. As the creator of ignore, I'll add Ignoring specific people on IRC echo to my to-do list, but as far as I'm aware the echo system is currently disabled anyway and isn't too likely to come back.

We really want to encourage people to take their off-topic chat elsewhere and limit their In-game IC chat to very light discussions only to encourage RP and discourage metagaming. So it's a possibility #clokchat will turn into a place for people to discuss stuff outside of the game, although not many of e players use IRC, so I'm not too sure how likely that is to happen.
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