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Post by Kanis »

As the name suggest I was wondering if there was any thought as to whether or not pets are going to be implemented into the game? I know everyone is working on abilities right now but figured I would scribble down some ideas I have had and ask what everyone else thinks.

I’ve played a bunch of different games that have a variety of ideas about pets. Everything from no pets, to only ranger types have pets, to everybody has pets that just cuddle and eat, to pets with amazing abilities that never die. Personally I am a dog lover so I like the ability to have pets but with all the different options from games I have played I have found that I enjoy certain things out of pets more than others.

1. If pets are to be “tamed” I totally agree that ranger types should have that ability, I don’t think that pets should be a ranger only thing however as multiple professions have used different types of animals through out history.

2. I think pets should have a life span. It is more realistic and gives those people that want the RP of it to actually have it built in. Plus I have been in games where someone leaves a pet standing around and never comes back into the game, after a 100 or so game years it is just weird to see the same cat in the room

3. When Gemstone finally gave animals to the rangers I was a rogue, I always wanted the ability to have a little ferret or squirrel that I could teach to steal things from people, NPCs or otherwise. I personally think it adds something to have characters of different professions be able to train certain animals that would fit into their class like vermin or small animals to steal for the thieves, guard dogs for the templar’s, large predator types like a lion or bear for the Dwaedn, and so forth. Maybe even skills for the crafters like animals to help with farming and the like.

That is all I can really think of right now, what do you all think?
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Post by Rias »

I was actually just working on pet/minion/summon AI earlier today. I agree that the Udemi (rangers) should not be the only ones to have pets, though they will definitely have unique abilities to do with animals that others wouldn't have. I'm also a dog lover, and I think it's silly to say "You're not a ranger, so you can't have a pet."

My current thoughts are to have "general" pets that anyone can get (dogs, cats, etc.) though people would have little, if any, actual control over the pets. The pets would follow them around, and some may have appropriate abilities (dogs defending their masters, thieves using pets to distract marks so that they can more easily steal, etc.) but they wouldn't be particularly powerful - more "neat" with some utility.

In the case of the Udemi, I presume they would be more than just pets that do basic things, but rather the Udemi can have a bit more control over the animals, perhaps have some synergy abilities with them where the pet enhances the Udemi's abilities and vice-versa, etc. Their animal pets would be overall more useful and effective than those of non-Udemi.

Sorcerers have their minions of the undead/demon persuasion, of course.

Merchants (whatever name they end up having) would have their guild-supplied hired mercenary (temporary) minions.

Et cetera. Point being, I agree "pets" can come in many forms and there shouldn't be anyone that is flat-out denied having at least a "basic" pet (such as a tamed dog or cat).
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Post by Rithiel »

From the Udemi side of things, I've always planned on having some sort of animal companion, but I completely agree that these should not be the only pets available. Some classes have minions (or bodyguards as it may be), but it seems silly to have a world where players find it impossible to bond with an animal if they aren't a 'ranger.'

That said, since they will (eventually) have access to nature magic, it makes sense for the rangers to have more control over their 'pets.' I hope to implement things like very few animals being willing to go in towns, and players needing to dismiss them before they log out (to return to the wild to hunt, sleep, relax). Any other suggestions will be welcome.
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Post by Isiaa »

Pet would require feeding so for instance all players should be able to ORDER pet HUNT.So cat would chase mice as would hawks,owls etc.While hunting the pet is unavailable.The pet would return automatically when it is fully satisfied or when the player ORDERs pet RECALL.Most players would only have access to one pet while Udemi would have maybe two or three.
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Post by Icterus »

For horses I was thinking that saddle bags and weapon harnesses could be bought for them.
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Post by Evelyn »

Awesome sauce! Can I have a pet bear? ^^
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Post by Landion »

When Evelyn picked up and threw that grizzly bear, I laughed. A lot.
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Post by Evelyn »

Mr Pea! XD
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