What do you want?

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What do you want?

Post by Rias »

What do you (the players) want that you think would improve CLOK, retain interest, and would consider a high priority?

Here's my current priority list toppers (the other GMs have their own lists, this is just my personal one):

- Wilderness expansion (and the removal of those horrible portals)
- At least 1 new guild ability each day until next Wednesday (alternating between guilds)
- Additional herbs/fungi to be foraged and uses for them besides selling (medicines, potions, etc.) Will be collaborating with Rithiel on this.
- The Infested storyline events
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Post by KianTheArcher »

I'm really torn between the new abilities, and additional herbs and fungi.
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Post by Rias »

Ah, I want to know what you folks wanted in general, not necessarily from my list. I just posted my list for informational purposes.
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Post by Rithiel »

What if I don't want to collaborate with you?

That said, my current priority is making things for herbalism, which will include expanding and increases the functionality of herbs and fungi that can be foraged, as well as a few connected items.
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Post by June »

Herbs! I hate going to town for every boo boo..
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Post by Jaster »

Poisons! Ingestible for food poisoning, contact poisons, and poisons for weapon or trap applications. Though I doubt that that can be considered high priority.

Also, maybe some automated quests of the "kill that, get this" variety. Guild quests should give extra promotion points.

Or an arena system so we can test our mettle against each other in a safe, but competitive, environment.

Those are just a few things I can think of that may break up the monotony of skilling up and possibly attract/keep people.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Ohh. I get it. In thaaat case...

-Expanded trap types for both Tse Gaiyan and Thieves
-A few more odds and ends for woodcrafting (fishing poles, trinkets that can be sold, the ability to cut branches down, stuff like that)
-Expanded Herbs and Fungi (including poisons, healing capabilities, etc., as well as guilds that would have abilities/bonuses for them gaining them)
-Automated Questing is good
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Post by Jaren »

In every RPG I play there is always a constant drive to either improve your character, or acquire that new item, or try out that new content, or explore the time sink professions.. etc etc.

In essence I call it the "carrot on a stick" effect. This is how you keep players interest by constantly moving the carrot a little further away. Oh you let them catch it for a while or they will get frustrated. But then you rip it from their hands again and start the process anew.

World of Warcraft is a good example of this. First you get you character to lvl 60. You've explored all the areas, have all your professions maxed and have raided in the big dungeons. So at that point the last carrot is set for you to get the very tippy top raid gear and once you have that.. the carrot is yours. SO WHAT DO THEY DO! BAM!!! Now the expansion comes out and the new level cap is 70. new areas, new professions, new lore etc. (carrot successfully moved)

So let's bring this little example back to CLOK. As of now the game is in Alpha and there is only so much content currently in game to explore. Now the carrot can be a little different for each person because each person enjoys different things. For me I enjoy character progression and item acquisition, then to use said power against more powerful foes to again repeat the process (more powerful items and new content) Kinda like diablo 2.

As of now I have the best items (look wise) and I have all the abilities that can be had, for my guild. I've also seen every room, killed every monster (even npcs I probably shouldn't have) and now...bleh. I have been skilling up my character to the point where my nightly routine consists of either skilling up my defenses or my offenses (which are very hard to do by the way). So right now the only "carrots" I have left to obtain is more skill, professions or the occasional event.

Well, you got through my little ramblings this far so let me now give some specific things that I would like to see in game.

-New npcs to kill and interact with.
-New items to obtain (actually be excited about the "loot item baddy-name" command) (maybe implement a random rare item drop system)
-I do like the foraging/alchemy idea.
-Quests would be fun, then again some quests like (kill 10 dodo birds) can be tedious.
-new events (see previous post)
-new areas (I know landion has been working on big one for a while now)
-TACOS!... MOUNTAINS of tacos.. In fact just fill Shadgard with a plague of millions of tacos on the floor.. lol jk

edit: (oh another thought occurred to me. Wouldn't it be cool if yellow npcs had some scripted dialogue. Right now they are kinda quiet)
Last edited by Jaren on Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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