Event Ideas

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Event Ideas

Post by Jaren »

A few event ideas that I had in my head:

A temporary secret dungeon, lair, sewer etc that opens up. This event would be scheduled on Facebook/twitter. Also in game a certain ic or ooc announcement would also be made when the area opens. The place would feature GM hosted riddles, traps, puzzles, critters to kill (of course) and an epic reward at the end. (Some parts can be already scripted and some parts will require direct GM control) It will also feature group tactics and should be done with "at least" 3 to 4 people. It could also be split into a couple sessions to allow others to join in at different times or to more easily fit peoples schedules. Essentially it is a chance to play a story driven event dungeon much like a regular dice rpg game. Maybe set up a roster somewhere when people will be available and schedule it that way.

A Grand Tournament. A chance for players to legally and safely combat each other. This event would feature a new temporary location. It would also have different kinds of tournaments (horseback fighting, jousting, stealth challenges, archery contest etc) and of course the grand melee which will be a pure "all out" fight with whatever you got. Maybe have a grand mage set up a protection field that would save players from mortal wounds. "All" will be invited to the event under a flag of truce as long as the rules are obeyed (evil players rejoice). It would also feature some kind of reward/medal to the winner as well as ETERNAL GLORY!
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Post by Rias »

Both excellent ideas.
The lore compels me!
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