That is the extent of my knowledge of MushClient. I want to build a script to help my character respond to 'hands full' messages efficiently. In my case, I'll be using a whip for a few hours, then I'll switch to a flintlock for a few hours, then a stiletto.
I would like someone to show me how to make a script I can put in my triggers to cover all prompts such as
and so on, so that in all these situations, it will respond with 'wear whip' ; and I will be easily able to change the response to all these in one fell swoop to 'put flintlock in holster'.You can't do that with your hands full.
You need an empty hand or to be holding an open container in your right hand in order to buy something.
You'll need to be holding a bandage or have one in an open worn container.
Your hands are full!
Can someone show me how to do this? This will help me to reduce, as I have been doing, a blanket trigger that always sends multiple commands (wear whip, put flintlock in holster, put rapier in scabbard, put dagger in bandolier, etc.) as a response to these situations which I guess is not healthy for the server.