Practice Dummy Rework

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Practice Dummy Rework

Post by Marauder »

[OOC - Virulan]: Why not just add in new ones that can be crafted and break after a certain number of hits based on quality and material versus skill of the user and weapon power?

As per what I posted in the game through my Virulan character.

I think it'd be nice to see dummies reappear, however in a different style. Players could craft them through woodworking with various lumber choices. Obviously stronger wood means more durable dummies, however I was also thinking that we could "place" armor onto the dummies, allowing anyone with spare armor to put it onto the dummy and take it off when needed. Of course, this would improve the dummy's capacity to take hits, based on the equipped armor's overall protection versus the weapon and its quality, as well as the skill of the user.


"place helmet on dummy"

You place an iron helmet on an oak training dummy.

"attack dummy"

You thrust with a serrated bronze dagger at an oak training dummy!
0 pierce damage -! to the head, glances harmlessly off an iron helmet.

Rinse, repeat until the dummy's armor and/or structure gives out, get a new dummy, try again.

I'm not suggesting a trigger/timer-friendly method for training, no. Unless you use the right armor and a decent quality dummy, once you have enough skill with the weapon and/or a good enough weapon, you should be destroying dummies easily. Also, as a side note, direct damage magic should have an increased effect on the dummy/armor, and the dummy should be immune to all status effects (including Flash Bang) to prevent insanely easy training of anything ever. I figure this would also allow bad quality weapons to have an actual prominent use, since they wouldn't be very good in combat, but wouldn't do well against dummies, either, so you could practice with less fear of destroying one.

Yeah, I know it's a bit to read for something that should be relatively simple. Thanks for reading through, though.
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Post by Noctere »

I like the idea of a crafted and maintained dummy and I can see how you put a lot of thought into it. Many players do tend to have a lot of extra armor lying around and it would be nice to display that armor on a mannequin, or something, in your home. However, that is an idea to be discussed at another time.

Sadly, the subject of training dummies has been thoroughly examined by the staff and we feel that the amount of risk versus reward is not what we would like. Time and time again, we have seen too many players spend the majority of their time hitting away at a risk-less enemy. The dummies have also been the source of many skillgain exploits and the easy scripting target has made them a focus for some unscrupulous gain methods.

We experimented with training warriors for a while but that had similar results. In the end, the best way to gain skill would be to just go to a low level area and fight an easy enemy like rats or infested merchants.

Thanks for the idea though. Many of the things you see in the world of Arad were made from player suggestions just like this one.
Last edited by Noctere on Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lysse »

Having read these posts and given it some thought, I believe that practice dummies, if implemented in a specific way, could be an excellent thing for the game without taking away the current risk of skill gain.

I have two general ideas in my head that I believe would be reasonable ways to implement a practice dummy. The first idea I had was that a training dummy could be used to gain training at no cost of riln, but rather it would take time. Perhaps 5 or 10 minutes or so 'practicing' with the dummy for something specific (such as swords, or daggers, or melee) could give the person training without costing riln, for the normal amount of time and skill gain.

The second idea I had was that it would be nice to make dummies to simply practice on to see things such as damage types dealt by weapons, spell combinations, what a spell or attack or guild ability does before going out into the world and using it. So an Elemancer could see the effects of a spell before using it, without gaining any skill.
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Post by hadesfire »

I am so with that second one for Lysse (first one too). I find it really hard to gauge what types of damage i do best so i kinda just pick a weapon and hope.
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Post by Rias »

Paying for training is the primary consistent riln sink in the game, so we won't be providing more ways to circumvent that. Time sinks mean little when someone can script it - hence our opposition to risk-free training.

As for dummies solely for testing attacks against without any skillgain, I wouldn't be opposed to that.
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Post by Hadya »

Save a dummy, hire a mercenary.
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Post by Rias »

[quote=Hadya]Save a dummy, hire a mercenary.[/quote]

So you save them by hiring them?
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Post by Lemuel »

The practice dummy / cocky training warrior that existed six months ago when I started....

(1) Couldn't we have a training room where players with melee / marksmanship were both under 55, and when either attribute exceeded 55 the player could not enter that room anymore?

(2) Could we make an 'arena' room in each town where any player / npc is subject to free-for-all; ie. it's the same as out of town for justice purposes. It should be hard to enter, for example, you have to type in 'GO ARENA' fully to enter it, not just go door or go north. The existing places that once housed training warrior/dummy seem to have the right room descriptions in place.
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Post by Rias »

1) <brokenrecord>No. Go fight carriers, rats, ravens, or infested merchants.</brokenrecord>

2) You can just walk outside a town's borders, it's not that far. Even Shadgard is too civilized to say "hey, anyone can kill anyone in this room at any time, no questions asked."
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Post by hadesfire »

that gives me an idea, we need to set up tournaments for money, the participants would give in money, fight and win/lose. Losers get free care, as in they get patched up after each round and given food to avoid starvation during the event.
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Post by Makkah »

Gladiator Games! CLOK-style!
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Post by Evelyn »

We have the ooc arena to play in one night for a tourament, be fun and stuff. Did you mean something IC Hades?
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Post by hadesfire »

yeah, we could even make it big events and the making of it could be an event upon itself, where people donate and everything
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Post by Crispus »

Go fight carriers, rats, ravens, or infested merchants.

Hey could someone tell me where to locate the rats and ravens? I've been looking for them, only able to find the infesteds.
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Post by hadesfire »

NW of Canyon and ENTER GATE I do believe, then ENTER GATE again.
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Post by Crispus »

[quote=hadesfire]NW of Canyon and ENTER GATE I do believe, then ENTER GATE again.[/quote]

Would that be Redrock Canyon? Are we talking the graveyard area?
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Post by hadesfire »

the graveyard is the place and it's the Canyon outside of Shadgard
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