Dwaedn Wyr are Druids too!

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Dwaedn Wyr are Druids too!

Post by Evelyn »

I was wondering if it would be possible for the Dwaedn Wyr to get some way to access or at least listen in on the Commune system that's in place for Druidry? Either a guild ability that lets us access it, or even a special charm of some kind that we can wear to let us just listen to the Commune system. I think it would be super nifty. ^^
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Post by Rias »

I think Kian's totems idea had this as one of the possibilities, which I thought was cool.

The Dwaedn Wyr are more in touch with the Animal Spirits and not very much with the Gaea itself, just to explain why they don't normally have access to actually learning/channeling druidry or using the commune command. I say "normally" because there are likely some Dwaedn Wyr druids who have learned to channel druidry and use it, but it's certainly not common, and not intended to be available to PC Dwaedn.

Anyway, I agree, it would be neato to let Dwaedn listen in somehow, under the right conditions.
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Post by Nootau »

Listen in, similar to how to Utasa can listen but not speak?
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