Directed Speech

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Directed Speech

Post by Rias »

Get tired of saying something and having everyone in the room wonder who you're talking to? Now you can direct your speech at people, critters or objects by using two colons followed by your intended target at the beginning of the speech commands. Examples:

Code: Select all

say ::Rias Ahoy, matey.
Speaking to Rias, you say, "Ahoy, matey."
Target and others see as:

Code: Select all

Speaking to you, Tester says, "Ahoy, matey."

Speaking to Rias, Tester says, "Ahoy, matey."

Talk to critters!

Code: Select all

'::arkenh Who's a good dog?
Speaking to a dusky gray arkenhound, you ask, "Who's a good dog?"
Talk to inanimate objects!

Code: Select all

"::cookie You look delicious.

Speaking to a cookie, you say, "You look delicious."
The lore compels me!
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