More Mountains

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More Mountains

Post by Skjotur »

One of the many reasons I hang out a lot in Stone Canyon is because I can traverse the mountains there. I also love Dwaedn Vil. There's just something about climbing mountain paths and trails and being up there on the peaks.

We have a lot of mountains on the map, but they're usually used as barriers. I'd like to request more mountain areas that we can travel, preferably with lots of places where people who train climbing can be rewarded by having somewhat exclusive access to the higher places or little niches and nooks that others can't get to. These mountain areas wouldn't need to be populated with hostiles, or not all of them anyway. Maybe at least have the main path with only neutral animals like mountain goats, birds, squirrels and things. Put in some caves or side tracks with the dangerous creatures. That way anyone can enjoy some mountain hiking along the main path, without worrying about being mauled by wild beasts.

I'd be happy to design some areas to add if that would help.
Last edited by Skjotur on Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Makkah »

Can't hate on this request. It's an ecosystem that is rather lesser represented in the wilds. We have plains, hills, but very little explorable mountain territory. Same could be said for swamp/marsh areas.
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Post by Rithiel »

It's been discussed, and we realize that it's lacking. I think the next expansion will add some of what you're asking for.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

On this subject I love, for some reason, the idea of a village of neutral ascetics/sages high up in the mountains, perhaps with a little side quest there that gives access to a special area, or just a neat little item.
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Post by Rias »

I wouldn't mind player submissions for generic mountain areas. I like mountains too, and agree they shouldn't all have to be deadly experiences to visit.

I love swamps and marshes. There'll be at least one (of the wilderness variety, as well as some explorable areas) in the next wilderness expansion.
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