A few requests for the guild shop

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A few requests for the guild shop

Post by Tangela »


I love the guild facilities, however there are a few things which I would love to see. In the bottom level, there are shelves mentioned in the description, but the bookshelves are the only storage space available Additional bins or shelves would be great for storing poultices, poultice supplies, extra ritual supplies, and such.

In the guild shop, there are a few items it would be great to see. In particular, bandages and cloth for making poultices, since some of our individuals might not want to be in the city. Candles would also be neat.

Thank you for considering these requests,

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Re: A few requests for the guild shop

Post by Tangela »

It would also be wonderful if you could make the bowls fillable containers to hold liquids and possibly add stone knives in the shop.
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Re: A few requests for the guild shop

Post by Jirato »

Just letting you know your requests have been seen and noted. They seem totally reasonable and should be done soon.

However, I actually want to redesign the guild area entirely. I've got some issues with it being inside a tree. Seems a bit sadistic to be torturing a tree by keeping it alive with druidry (presuming that's even possible, which would require significant and constant effort) while living inside it and installing things like stairs and hanging lanterns and stuff. It just doesn't really feel like something someone who cares about the Gaea would do. Then there's the whole fact that it's an oak tree in the middle of a subtropical pine forest, and that there's absolutely no indication in the room description that it's there.

So, expect to see the Lorekeeper's facilities completely redone in the future. It might take a bit of time. I'll see about at least making some modifications to the guild shop in the interim though.
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[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
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Re: A few requests for the guild shop

Post by Tangela »

Thank you, J. I appreciate you taking this on for such a small guild. Also, is it intentional that there is no page about them on the wiki, or description of their abilities, rp style, etc? Seems like more people might join if they knew more about it.
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