Shields that act as containers for hurled javelins/spears?

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Shields that act as containers for hurled javelins/spears?

Post by Zeldryn »

So, random suggestion, I know, but it came up in chat and sounded interesting.

In the days of ancient warfare, it wasn't uncommon for footsoldiers to wear a brace of 3-4 odd throwing javelins on their arm or shield that they'd toss on over toward their charging enemies before moving in with their primary weapon of choice.

So, keeping in mind that I don't even have a Wyrvardn character, have no idea what their shops have, and have no idea how their abilities function, does it sound logical for them to have access to shields that would act as containers for just such hurled weapons? Only javelins or spears, in particular, and the shields would have to be reasonably large-- round or tower shields, i would imagine.

This just sounded like a neat suggestion, and, considering the Wyrvardn have abilities/iconography based off of the shield already, it seemed like it'd be another good fit to give them a bit more love.

Feel free to shoot me down, but. I wanted to etch the suggestion into the BBS for the sands of time to bare witness to, regardless. Thanks for taking the time to read!
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Re: Shields that act as containers for hurled javelins/spears?

Post by Lemuel »

In general, the one item in each hand max that CLOK has (that most other muds don't) has gone too far when it comes to shields. A person should be able to hold an item in their shield hand while not in combat...hold on to, not necessarily use effectively. Although for an item like a torch, simply being able to hold it in that hand in CLOK like you can in real life would be a benefit. Because, in realty, shields larger than a buckler are not really in the owner's hand...they are strapped over their forearm, and although there is a strap to hold on to with your left hand, that strap simply isn't big enough to prevent you from holding another item in that hand of small size or less.

Attaching pictures of same.

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