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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:51 pm
by Rias
Karma is a completely OOC mechanic, and as such, only effects OOC chat. The idea is to let players moderate OOC chat themselves, and use this as a psychological experime... err, so yes, on to what karma does.

You can use the karma command to raise or lower someone's karma once per hour per person. We'll be keeping a watch on its usage, to see if anyone abuses it. If a person's karma gets too low, they will be unable to use OOC chat until their karma raises again over time.

Some examples of when to lower someone's karma:
- Excessive negativity, complaining, nagging, or immaturity.
- Spamming.
- Being intentionally rude, offensive, annoying, or disruptive.

Some examples of when to raise someone's karma:
- Being kind or helpful to others over OOC chat.
- Distributing valuable or useful information that is appropriate for the OOC channel (in-character information should be shared via ESP, not OOC chat).

Some examples of misusing karma:
- As a punishment for something done in-character. Karma is completely OOC and not a tool to be used for “getting back” at someone who effected you In-Character, i.e. a thief stealing your firestones.
- As a reward for something done in-character. If someone has done something nice for you in-character, or you are simply impressed with their roleplaying, you may want to nominate them instead, which will send a message to all online GMs and give them the opportunity to reward the character.
- Constantly lowering someone’s karma in an attempt to keep them out of OOC chat for extended periods of time. If they have disturbed you that much, report them instead.

Misusing karma in the above ways may result in the revocation of your karma privileges.

If someone has committed a serious offense, you should report them or, if no GMs are online at the time, send an email to detailing what happened so that the situation may be dealt with.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:58 pm
by River
I'm just throwing this out there...I like this idea a lot

I miss the old esp where you could talk about ic stuff...the ooc has become a playground for both and I admit fault at this at times but since the crystal introduction it's been hard to now ic chat in ooc. I still like the crystals but for a more selective chat. I wish the general esp was still open

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:00 am
by Rias
For general ESP, all you need to do is wear one of the crystal pendants. They never run out (only the tuners do), so once you buy one, you're set for life on the general (gray) ESP channel, as long as you're wearing it.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:04 am
by River
My bad,..good to know

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:06 am
by Rias
I'll also add that karma adjustments are anonymous and silent, so no need to worry about that person knowing you just negative-karmaed them.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:28 am
by Acarin
This is awful! Are you telling me I'll have to behave BOTH OOC AND IC? Oh well. That's Karma.