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Review of Policy 6

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:24 pm
by Loona

In addressing some bugs in the past weeks, some exploits were resolved that could have been abused by some players to generate enormous amounts of riln, as well as achieve certain feats that would not otherwise have been possible. I do not wish to outline these exploits in any depth. However, it is extremely disappointing both from a GM perspective, as well as a player’s perspective to know that there was one such case that resulted in a player generating hundreds of thousands of riln every day for several days on end. To quote from the policy regarding bugs and exploits.

“CLOK is constantly in a state of development and as such, bugs and problems will and do arise on a regular basis. Bug Abuse occurs when a player intentionally attempts to gain an unfair advantage through these bugs which circumvents the letter or spirit of the rules, as judged solely by CLOK Staff.
Examples of serious bug abuse: Finding a way to learn an ability, spell, or gaining access to shops that is typically restricted, and then not reporting it appropriately and immediately. Abusing game mechanics to cause duplication of items or riln. Other types of abuse range from sending special characters or signals to the server to obtain an unusual result, to using normal game mechanics in ways they are clearly not intended.

Abusing bugs disrupts the balance of CLOK and has the potential to disrupt the game for others. Sometimes there will be a great temptation to abuse a bug for personal gain because the negative effect is not readily apparent. CLOK Staff will exercise no tolerance whatsoever for anyone participating in this type of activity.
Bugs should always be reported. Serious bugs can be reported and bugged. If you observe someone else exploiting a serious bug, or discussing a plan to exploit or abuse one, please report it to a GM. You could potentially be seen as an accomplice and be subject to the same penalties as they are.
Benefits obtained from bug abuse may be confiscated, or skill gains removed. Failure to cooperate with CLOK Staff as to the extent or nature of a bug, or failure to be honest about the benefits obtained from bug abuse, is grounds for being banned from playing CLOK.” (Policy 6)

This kind of behavior is unacceptable. I don’t think I can word the reason why any better than this policy. It is just damaging.
We hate punishing players for things like this. We do not take pleasure out of banning someone or striking someone’s skills for exploiting bugs or for any reason. So please, for our sake, as well as yours, bug it, do not abuse it.