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Patreon is back, but different

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:37 am
by Jirato
I have put much thought into the Patreon program and taking donations for CLOK over the past 8 months since I've suspended my Patreon page. I've had many people come to me and express interest in continuing to support CLOK, asking me why I'd do such a bone-headed thing as quit taking donations, and so on.

After careful consideration, I've decided that it is in CLOK's best interest to no longer provide benefits to Patrons. For the sake of fairness, we've constantly told you and ourselves that the services previously provided to patrons (cosmetic alterations) were able to be acquired by non-patron players as long as they were in the right place at the right time with a visiting GM-controlled NPC merchant. However, this happens way too infrequently to be considered a fair trade off. Furthermore, the amount of administrative effort spent QCing, approving, coordinating with the players, etc, every month when perk requests come in was detracting from more meaningful CLOK development.

I want people to support CLOK because they love the project and want to see it continue and grow, not because "I can make my sword look cooler or get a fancy custom magic channeling message.".

All of the above, combined with Patreon's new approach to sales tax (Yes, you'd be taxed if I gave you alterations), made me feel like now was a good time to restart Patreon as a "General support" program. Pledge to CLOK if you want to support the project.

We love and appreciate your support, and we also love and appreciate all of our non-patron players. If you are unable to pledge, you can always support CLOK by sharing it with others, participating in our community discussions, and posting about it on your favorite forum or social media platform.

The CLOK patreon page can be found at

Re: Patreon is back, but different

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:42 am
by Jirato
Just wanted to give a quick shout out and thank you to the people that have been continuing to support CLOK all this time for no reward whatsoever and through my crappy mood swings even. Really do appreciate you!