BBS Update

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BBS Update

Post by Jirato »

As you may have noticed, the BBS has received a significant update. We jumped straight from version 3.0.12 from over 5 years ago to the latest and greatest version 3.2.2. There are a LOT of new features, I don't even know what they all are yet.

If you're looking for unanswered/new/active/unread posts, click the little menu button on the top left.

I'm going to leave permissions as they are for now, but we'll see if maybe we need to change some of them (such as disallow embedded flash...). I think for the most part, just be responsible with it and don't over-use it, and we can probably keep it.

Expect further tweaks over the next few weeks/months.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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