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A note on character sharing

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:23 pm
by Jirato
Regarding character sharing - please don't do it. If you currently share your password with another CLOK player, I strongly encourage you to use the /password command in-game to change it to something unique ASAP. CLOK staff will never ask you for your password, but I am able to tell at the server level if two or more people have the exact same password.

In my eyes, if you log into another player's character, that character essentially becomes your alt from that moment forward. Even if you only do it occasionally. When the original owner starts playing them again and you are now tied to that character, any interactions between that character with the original owner and one of your main characters would now be considered a direct violation of policy 4. It doesn't really have any place in an role-play enforced environment anyway.

We'll have something out in writing next week, either as an addendum to policy 4 or a new policy article altogether. But I just want to get the word out now, because I know it's been happening (and to more than one or two people). So I'm giving you a fair warning and a heads up to please put a stop to it now before the policy comes out and explicitly forbids it.

Re: A note on character sharing

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:03 pm
by Fayne
Just making sure, this is more obvious than simply accessing your characters from more than one IP address, right? I know that playing on a phone has caused at least one or two situations that made it seem like my brother or I had been playing two characters at once from the same computer, or something along those lines, so I just want to make sure that playing CLOK on the go won't cause any issues with this in the future.

As a side note, I cringe at the thought of giving anyone else access to my characters. I just know that I'm the only one who can play any of them "correctly". Could you imagine anyone else trying to play Fayne? Bleh.

Re: A note on character sharing

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:07 pm
by Dakhal
I'd actually prefer to just see Fayne or her player around. That'd be nice.


Re: A note on character sharing

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:13 pm
by Lassyn
Mobile playing won't effect this. Players have to contact staff for multiplay, in the event of multiple players in the same household or similar. We're more concerned with people trying to get around the inter-alt sharing rules by pretending to be different players or making "community characters." I'll agree with Jirato's statement. The above has no place in an rp environment. I honestly didn't even realize we didn't have a specific policy against it, because I didn't realize it was something the high quality players we attract would do. I was a little bummed to learn differently.

Re: A note on character sharing

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:41 am
by Jirato
Policy 4 has been updated to expressly forbid character sharing. You may receive a prompt asking you to re-read policy 4 after your character version gets updated to the latest version.