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New 'npcmail' command

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:56 am
by Jirato
Sometimes players have a need to send in-character mails to certain NPCs or GM-controlled characters, but may be unsure of who exactly to send them to. Other times, a GM might have to take a break from GMing to take care of real life issues or simply recover from burnout. We don't want everything to come to a halt just because someone is taking a break or something got sent to the wrong person.

You may now use npcmail in post offices much in the same way that you would use mail.

There are a few differences between npcmail and regular mail:
  • You may specify any name to send the mail too, even if there isn't an actual character file associated with it (NPCs not controlled directly by GMs)
  • All GM staff are notified when a message is sent via npcmail rather than just one person who may be on break
  • Mail items can be read or copied directly from the npcmail inbox, eliminating the requirement for GMs to have to carry around over 9000 parchment notes

Re: New 'npcmail' command

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:17 am
by Jaster
Sounds like a great idea. And.....

It's over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!