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Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:53 pm
by Rias
The THINK command has been implemented. This is identical to CHAT, but the text appears in yellow rather than cyan (color may be adjusted as feedback comes in).

So, here are our rules:

CHAT - An out-of-character channel, used to discuss game mechanics, bugs, what kind of toppings someone should get on a pizza or if they saw the game last night, etc.

THINK - An in-character channel, where out-of-character chatter is forbidden. The explanation behind it is some sort of telepathy that characters can use to communicate. It will be available to some NPCs (gm-controlled characters, such as the infested warlord or the Harvest Reaper) as well. It will eventually be tied to spells and artifacts (because we don't want to just assume everyone is born telepathic), but for now, it is free to use without any magical or artifactual aid.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:52 pm
by Rias
Wow, I'm already happy with how this is being used. Go CLOK players!