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A note on anti-idle scripts

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:08 am
by Jirato
Many of our players use scripts to send an information-only command such as health, info or time to the MUD every so often to avoid the 10 minute inactivity timer and auto-kick system. Most of us do this for unexpected situations. We might get a phone call, we might be interrupted by family, we might have an urgent need to go to the restroom, or we might even just get distracted by a website with funny pictures of cats.

We generally don't mind when people go away-from-keyboard or even just away-from-window for awhile in these types of situations. However, there have been a couple of recent incidents where people have used this, either intentionally or unintentionally, to remain in-game while they are not playing for an extended period of time. While these types of actions may not directly benefit your character, they can be considered disruptive and may still be subject to certain actions such as the dreaded Anti-Scripting-Penalty (ASP) or even somthing that affects your character ICly such as being arrested for impropriety while loitering in town when covered in gore or being attacked and killed by a large group of infested while idling near Tarueka.

Additionally, even if you're not using an anti-AFK script, if your MUD client is set up to auto-reconnect, you may be subject to the same as above.

So, please, if you're done playing for the day, quit the game and close your MUD client. Try to avoid enabling the auto-reconnect feature of your MUD client as well please.

Re: A note on anti-idle scripts

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:32 pm
by Acarin
I don't understand how doing this can be considered disruptive. Your character isn't interacting. What exactly is wrong with it? Just because you're a name on the who list?

I've never gotten my anti-idle scripts to work and this doesn't really impact me... but this still comes across as a little odd to me.

IC actions I can see because, lets be honest, that's just funny. Disciplinary action on the other hand seems to be going a bit far in my opinion.

Re: A note on anti-idle scripts

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:47 pm
by Zoiya
The above post depends largely on what the person is doing and where they are doing it. Obviously if you are in your own home or somewhere that a person cannot interact with you and you are using a command like health or experience to keep yourself logged in, it's going to be fine.

This is just clarifying a loophole that we didn't expect players to take advantage of, now that it is explained, you can go back to your normal everyday lives.