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Winter Solstice bonuses - Give us your character history!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:30 pm
by Rias
As the holiday season of Winter Solstice is upon us, we on staff get swept up in the holiday spirit and want to give stuff out.

As for me, I'd like to give something out to all those who take the time to send us their character history. I think I've still got all the ones people have sent me in the past, but if you want to ensure you're in on this, go ahead and send your history again. Email it on over to by December 28th (the earlier the better, though!) and you'll get a little something for it.

(No, it won't be an uberartifact or anything like that.)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:33 pm
by Rias
Also, if you want to discuss/get help with your character history to make sure it all fits in with CLOK lore, feel free to email me about that and we'll meet up in-game or talk via an instant messenger or email to get it all hammered out.

Those that have already sent character histories are welcome to send further details or revisions.