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Post by Rias »

Mesmerized, frozen, sleeping, and unconscious characters should no longer notice people sneak into or out of the room.

Hibernate cast messaging now takes stealth into account.

RPAs should no longer be removed on death.

It is no longer possible to use ESP while unconscious, stunned, mesmerized, or during battlefury (Dwaedn Wyr).

A Minor Haunting bug that caused its effects to fire nearly every second rather than a chance every 10 seconds when the caster was present should now be fixed.
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Post by Rias »

The bug list was getting out of hand! Here we go:

Cutthroat now unhides the target if the target was initially hidden.

Unsuccessful cutthroat attempts will now result in the target having a high chance of seeing the attacker return to hiding.

Special cutthroat messaging when negated by armor should now display properly, instead of producing an error.

Shadow Orb no longer automatically makes an area completely dark, but lowers the area lighting by a large amount. This will cause some already-low-lighting rooms to become completely dark. Always causing complete darkness was counterintuitive, as it prevented the assassin from utilizing his stealth bonuses and attacks, which Shadow Orb is meant to improve, not prevent. That it was originally causing complete darkness in all rooms was a result of the spell being modified for use during a special event, and not being changed back after the event (during which the guild didn't exist yet (not that it does now, of course)).

Inaudible self-buff spells should no longer be noticed if cast while hiding, unless a bystander is aware of the caster's location.

Buff spells should now appropriately display gender terms instead of, say "%himher".

Elemancer birch staffs should be zappable once again.

Casting Water Nova should no longer produce an error.

Attempting to laugh at someone/something while hiding should no longer produce an error.

Roundtime should no longer show up before the messaging when hunting.

butchering a corpse should no longer cause an error, and should now cause roundtime regardless of success or failure.

Shadow Cloak should now grant a sneak roundtime reduction in dark areas.

Wilderness Stealth should now grant a sneak roundtime reduction in all applicable areas, not just forests.

asking applicable NPCs about tasks should no longer produce an error.

It is no longer possible to swim while hiding.

Wolves on the graveyard trail now have canine hit locations rather than humanoid hit locations.

Messaginge for lighting and extinguishing now takes stealth into account.

A typo in the Church Supply waist-sash description has been fixed.

Shortbows should now have a minimum of 1 damage when unaffected by any damage-reducing qualities or effects.

It is no longer possible to steal from corpses.

Ambushing/sniping no longer gives guild points to assassins, since they already get guild points from attacking any creature of significant challenge from stealth or not.

Ambushing/sniping now gives guild points and skillgain based on challenge.

stealing now gives guild points and skillgain based on challenge.

bandage roundtime has been reduced.
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Shadow Orb can now only be cast once per room.

Hidden items in a room that a character is aware of now show up in a single comma-separated list, rather than a new line for each item.

Discovering a hidden item while searching now leaves the item hidden, but allows the character to be able to see it from then on in the "hidden items" list (see previous) and to recover it from its hiding place.

Bandages should now work properly when used from the left hand.

When NPCs choose hostiles to attack, a mount that is currently being ridden is now less likely to be targetted than other hostiles.

Critters of the 'rodent' type should now properly die from fatal wounds to the head.

Skinning and butchering success are now dependent on the Skinning skill.

Most animals should be skinable now.

Guild point decimal places should now be limited to a more reasonable range. For those who currently have an excessively accurate multi-decimal amount of guild points and recognition, perform an action to increase your guild points to fix the issue.

Perception gains are now based on challenge.

Incorporeal nethrim no longer maintain bodily injuries (they must be defeated via energy loss, as has always been the case - this change is ultimately only cosmetic).

Incorporeal nethrim now show as "slightly faded", "partially faded", and "nearly vanished" instead of winded, tired, and exhausted.
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Several beasts have had their hit locations updated to new sets instead of the default "humanoid" set - some now have tougher hides.

Metal scale armor now properly reduces nether damage.

The "ridid leather" armor class has been added.

The Shadgard blacksmith now only repairs metal armor. Leather armor can be repaired at the tanner. Brigandine can be repaired at either, until we figure out what to do with it.

It should no longer be possible to drag an item that isn't on the ground.

A character with pyro, hydro, geo, or aero shield active will now be protected from some maneuvers.

Stealth skillgains are now based on challenge.

The inkeeper Elira's faction and death messaging have been fixed.

A tanner has been added to the Corvus Outpost to accommodate leather armor repairs.

A temporary wagon has been added to the Corvus Outpost to sell a few items that are not yet available in the existing Corvus shops, including ESP pendants and a unique tuner.

The Corvus Outpost post office now sells parchment, quills, and packages.
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If an NPC is a taskmaster, such will be noted when looking at them.

The aeromancer Olivia in Shadgard is now a taskmaster for the Elemancers.

It is now much more difficult to perform stealth actions unnoticed in open plains environments.

Several types of toys and trinkets have been added to woodcarving.

All trinket carving possibilities can now also be carved as toys.

The frequent whisper bug should be fixed.

Several more failed stealth actions now cause temporary paranoia on the target, which increases the target's perception. The effect is increased if the person failing the stealth action is Acarin.

The Monastic Order now offers the Basic Training ability.

Roclings, while still formidable, no longer have as damaging attacks as adult rocs, and no longer perform the wingbeat or dreaded pick-up-and-drop maneuver.

Critters that spawn as a result of the death of another critter (such as shades from revenants, or task critters) should no longer be able to trace the flight paths of projectiles fired from hiding at the creature that caused them to spawn.

If a character (player or non-) falls unconscious, anyone that was under attack by them (the "under attack effect") should no longer be considered under attack by that character.
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Characters that fall unconscious should now forget all known hiders in the area.

The profile command is now live, for all those who want to publicly share things like their guild, race, visual features, and so on in an OOC manner.

Chances for NPC idle scripts should now be working correctly, unlike before, where they would fire nearly once every 30 seconds and cause lots of noise.

Dismissing mage candles should work again.

Mountain lions, deer, wolves, and bears now have their own unique AIs and, in some cases, attacks.

Falore will now teach cooking to anyone, even if they have no experience.

The new area command will give you the name of the area you are in. Useful for tasks.

A character may now bandage their own wounds even while wearing armor. Bandaging another character will still require that other character to manually remove their armor.

Recovering riln from a hiding place now tells the character recovering it how much riln was in the pile.
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Public post boards, such as the one in the Shadgard Commons, will now display the notifier "(new posts)" in a pretty pink font if there are posts on it that a character has not yet seen. The post board itself will no longer be pretty pink.
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Post by Rias »

Templar spawned by monk tasks should no longer run off when healed if there are hostiles present.

The gender confusion in LOOK descriptions should be resolved. It was fun while it lasted, though.

The guild command now shows guild task information if a character is currently assigned a task.

Templar chants now properly apply their buffs to everyone in the Templar's group.

help commands is now formatted to make more efficient use of screen space.

The training dummies in the Shadgard Barracks have been replaced by cocky training warriors in the fighting ring. They'll stagger off when defeated and be replaced by another training warrior. They fight back with a wooden sword which isn't very powerful, but characters are responsible for looking after their own health and leaving before they let themselves be beat to death with a wooden sword!

Monks and Templar no longer receive guild points for healing their own wounds.

The prompt now shows if a character is currently using battle, barrage, or trance.

Thaumaturgic heal messaging now indicates if a hit location has been fully healed.
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Post by Rias »

Moving out of an area while under attack now requires a successful roll to break away from one's attackers, just as changing positions does.

Iron has been removed from the scarecrow mine.

Templar NPCs will now employ some of their Templar abilities.

Performing attacks while mounted now properly increases the Riding skill.

It is now possible to charge or trample while riding a war-trained mount.

Being unable to move due to traveltime will now add the movement command to the command queue, if the option is enabled.

Monks and Udemi may now get tasks to gather medicinal herbs.

Geomancy tilling should now be fixed.

Thaumaturgic Light damage has been lowered, but nethrim susceptibility to it has been increased.

Crafted gauntlets should now properly work as brawling enhancers. Pre-exisitings ones are still broken and can be fixed by a GM.

A bug with the chances to break away from combat when attempting to leave the area has been fixed.
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Post by Rias »

The custom command should be less buggy when inappropriate data is provided (such as providing letters instead of choice numbers).

Attempting to give a non-herb item to a taskmaster while on an herb task should no longer produce an error.

Lumps of metal resulting from failed forging projects should no longer produce errors when appraised at the market.

Templar and other Church NPCs no longer have an inexplicable peace with feral beasts.

Mounts should now be healed of the cutthroat effect when stabled.

The market will no longer purchase food items that are partially-eaten.

Guild trainers for Dwaedn Wyr, Monastic Order, and Knights Templar now charge recognition points instead of riln for skill training.
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Post by Rias »

Monks many now learn the Sunbeam spell.

Combat Adrenaline and War Shout no longer have brawling skill prerequisites.

It is now possible to glance during roundtime.

It is now possible to order surplus items at markets.

All fish types should now sell for the appropriate amount at the market.

Newly-purchased seeds should yield produce that sells for the appropriate amount at the market.

Polished or faceted gems are no longer available for buyback at the market.

It is now possible to pick a lock with a lockpick in your left hand and a non-lockpick item in your right hand.
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Post by Rias »

Snipers in guild training areas have had their skills lowered significantly, encouraging characters skilled in stealth and perception to go out to a real hunting area to continue building skills.

Hiding no longer provides skillgains in front of training dummies and other completely passive critters.

Wounds above "moderate" will now cause bleeding, dependent on wound severity.

Wound severity no longer prevents using plain bandages, allowing for the stoppage of bleeding.

Fish caught from the time of this announcement forward can be wielded in combat and hurled.
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Post by Rias »

It is now possible to ask a locksmith NPC for copy, which will get you a copy of a key for 500 riln.

Actively channeling druidry will now increase forage rolls.

Rotting ravens in the graveyard are no longer inexplicably powerful.
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Post by Rias »

A bug in the "escape from combat" formula when leaving a room has been fixed (yay Landion!).

It is no longer possible to skin or butcher while mounted.

It is no longer possible to pick locks on items not in hand when the picker is mounted.

It is now possible to specifically release druidry.

The Tangle Root spell is now considered hostile and, when cast without specifying a target, will now target the caster's current target or, if no target is set, the first hostile in the room.

The braziers in the Tse Gaiyan chapterhouse in Redrock Canyon now function as cooking fires.

NPC monks should be healing once again.

Charge and trample should now reveal the target from hiding if they were hidden.

Automatic Dirty Fighting moves should no longer work when the attacker is mounted.

Roleplay verbs should no longer display "%himherself" in their messaging.

Attempting to steal an inanimate object should no longer produce an error.

When wielding two weapons, if a target is unconscious, frozen, blind, mesmerized, or being choked, the attacker will never fail to find an opening for the off-hand strike.

Failing to successfully skin a corpse will now cause roundtime.

Butchering ravens should no longer produce an error.

The forest green cloaks from the Tse Gaiyan chapterhouse in Redrock Canyon should now be properly wearable.

It is no longer possible for a thief to attempt to plant an item on themselves.

Pyro and geo novae should now properly cause damage again.

Trample should no longer produce an error when used on rats.

The word "now" should no longer be case-sensitive when using the order command.

Coyote death messaging has been fixed to no longer refer to the coyote as a "hound".

It should no longer be possible to carve large items from branches that are too small, such as flatbows from small branches. Shame on those who didn't report this.

It is no longer possible to put a container into a second container if there is an item in the first container that is too large to fit into the second container. For instance, putting a spear in a pole harness, and then putting the pole harness into a backpack.
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Post by Rias »

From this point on, pies or tarts purchased at the Shadgard bakery can be hurled at a target. Pre-existing pies and tarts are uneffected by this change.

Hydromancy aid should now wash off splattered pie and confetti.

Aeromancy aid should now blow away confetti.

Becoming drenched should now wash away splattered pie and confetti.
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Flaming apparitions have been replaced with seething apparitions, as a flaming pure nether-being would quickly burn itself out.
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Post by Rias »

The jail auto-timer should now be working, punting criminals out of jail automatically after a set amount of time.

Shadow Martyr now only costs 1 soul shred on casting and requires an active sorcery channel in order to cast and to maintain. The Rook must also be wearing a blood talisman to maintain the spell. Each strike deflected by Shadow Martyr will consume 1 soul shred from the blood talisman. Lastly, the spell is no longer visible when someone looks at a Rook with the spell active.

Many charge, trample, and other similar attacks used by beasts are no longer parryable.

There are a few different blood talismans available to Rooks, sold at the Shadgard chapter (more will be added to the Mistral Lake one later), allowing for a little variety beyond the bland "a blood talisman".
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Rook Parlour corpse patch-up services now work on the corpses of animates, provided the Rook drags the corpse to a place that offers the service.

It is now possible for elemancers to use the Nova Pattern with multiple channels maintained, so long as they are all of the same element. Multiple geo or pyro channels will result in higher damage.

The tune command can now be used to tune to a different ESP channel.

It is no longe possible for Dwaedn Wyr to throw wraiths, slimes, water elementals, and other creatures that would be physically impossible to throw.

Performing a Mighty Throw while under the effects of Bear's Strength will now enjoy an increased chance at success.

Players can now use the enemies command to add/remove player characters to/from their enemy list. See viewtopic.php?pid=5027#p5027

Casting Minor Taming now requires an active druidry channel.

Reading will now default to items in your hands before looking for something in the room.

Guards intercepting attacks on their wards should no longer take on the gender of their ward in combat messaging.

The monk Sophia will now heal injured neutrals and friendlies in her presence.

It should no longer be possible to ride a mount out of an area if the mount is rooted.

Active elemancer shield patterns should now actually stop maneuvers that their messaging says they stop. Shame on those who didn't report this (sunshine and rainbows on those who did).

The "channel" command should now work with the command queue when prevented due to roundtime.

The Mistral Lake Sentry population should now be under control.

It is no longer possible for characters to bandage a target who is hiding if the character is anaware of the target's hiding spot. If the character is aware of the target's hiding spot, anyone else in the area will be made aware of the target's hiding spot as the character attempts to bandage them, but the target will not be removed from hiding.

Several wilderness areas were spontaneously generating random tree types that weren't supposed to be there. Loggers be aware that some areas may not have the same types of trees as we fix this.
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Post by Rias »

Holsters now appropriately only store firearms.

It is no longer possible to steal items from holsters.

The Shadgard Church has been expanded a bit - the corridor to the south that has always been in the description is now accessable.

The respawn point in Shadgard has been changed to new Sanctuary addition to the Church of Light, rather than the Hanged Man Cellar.

The University of Elemancy now has its own bank, which can be found through the arch at the East Gallery.

Mounts are no longer allowed inside the Aero Lift building at the foot of the University mountain, but there's now a stables in the same area.

The agent Lucas now gives tasks for Utasa.
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Mounts should now go to the last stables they were stabled in upon death.

It should no longer be possible to stable a mount when it is hitched to a wagon.

It should now be possible to bandage hit locations that consist of more than two words (i.e. "hind right foot").
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Harnessing two channels of sorcery now requires 100 skill, three channels 300 skill.

It is now possible to target forageables by a specifying adjectives, such as "forage brown mushroom" or "forage blue-white mushroom."

An old bit of code that was giving a flat perception skill gain upon seeing fired projectiles (regardless of challenge) has been removed.
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Tasks that require a character to give an item to the taskmaster should now auto-complete upon giving the item (or last item, if multiple items are required), rather than requiring the character to ask the taskmaster about tasks after giving the item.

Mistral Lake now has an infirmary, near Lampson's Lamps.

The Mistral Lake and Shadgard infirmaries now sell poultice-treated bandages, which heal a bit faster than normal bandages.

Dynamic market testing has started. Prices will adjust downward as the quantity of a commodity in that market increases. Commodities will disappear from the market over time. This is certain to be heavily tweaked as the system is tested and results are reported. If one market is flooded, consider taking your commodities to another market to sell there instead for better prices.

Damage suffered by nethrim from ferrous materials now shows as alchemical damage.
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Mounts should no longer become invisible when their rider dies.

A container being closed should no longer make it impossible to look at items that are ON it, such as an object on top of a closed dresser.

ESP pendants can now be purchased in the Mistral Lake and Shadgard post offices.

Any garment that has the word "hooded" in the name (i.e. "a hooded cloak") can now be pulled to pull the hood up or down. Pulling the hood up will cover the wearer's eyes, but not entire face.
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Burning arrows now do damage over time (until they burn out) when lodged into a target's body.

Armor now has a negative impact on stealth.

Nether Hands has been changed. It now allows an assassin to claw a target, dealing either slash or rake damage with a chance to chink armor, as well as cold damage.

Several weapons now deal bludgeon damage rather than crush damage, which is less effective against armor. Stone Fist causes bare-fist attacks to deal true crush damage. (Previously, bare-fist attacks (except when under the effects of Stone Fist) dealed a gimped crush damage that was useless against scale or plate armor). Among the weapons effected are: Bare fists, kicks, wooden cudgels, staffs, various improvised blunt weapons (branches, muskets in melee) and polearm haft strikes.

tactics marksman is now available.

It is now possible to shove a target with shields, staffs, and open hands. Staffs can be used to shove while mounted and on mounted targets, and shoving with a shield cannot be parried.
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Monks succesfully performing Soul Beacon will now receive some guild points.

Dead characters should no longer disappear from the WHO list.

It is now possible to specify a table or booth in diners with multiple seating options.

The Saucy Templar now sports 4 booths.

Attempting to fell with a logging axe in the left hand should no longer produce an error.
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