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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:08 pm
by Rithiel
Using order now in places that take guild points will have the correct messaging.

Spheres of light and darkness should now dissipate upon the summoner's death.

You will not continue channeling into the great beyond.

Some added skill functionality: You can set some favorite skills and view only them when you type skills category favorites. See skills favorites for syntax help.

The weapons command now displays each weapon's current durability conditions. Remember that while damage is live, breakage for weapons is not.

Herbalists and healers at infirmaries will no longer instantly cure all wounds, but rather bandage wounds with poulticed bandages. There is now a small fee for their services as well.

You can pull necklaces and pendants while wearing a shirt, vest, or piece of armor in order to hide them from view. Pulling again will show them.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:04 am
by Rithiel
Monks will now receive tasks to heal NPCs at infirmaries.

Riding skillgains were being double calculated (and triple in some instances) and not taking challenge into account. That oversight has been remedied.

The Chapterhouse has an infirmary.

You can no longer kick things while mounted, nor can you forge.

Hidden people can no longer be targetted without knowing they are there.

You can't put burning objects inside other objects.

Lots of new tones exist.

Sniff got a small update.

When using empty, the target container's weight limit is now properly checked.

You may now transfer like items from a held container to another container on your person or in the room. Usage: transfer (item) from (source container) to (target container)

The plugin window will now let you know when you are hiding.

Monk tasks for healing wounded templar will no longer reward riln.

Monk tasks for healing wounded at infirmaries will now reward less riln.

Many other tasks got an increase in riln amounts.

Look can now use a modifier, for example look brown horse.

A new moderate hunting area has been released with creepy crawlies.

Gathering arrows into quivers should no longer require you to occasionally remove and bundle the arrows.

When picking a reasonably challenging lock, you will get small skillgains even if you fail.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:24 pm
by Rithiel
Raw thaumaturgy casts for healing will now reward guild points based off of the number of thaumaturgy channels being maintained rather than a flat gain.

There is now a skill check involved when determining if you can maintain more than one level of thaumaturgy at once.

Spirit Augmentation will now fade at half the rate it was fading before.

Spirit Augmentation will now regenerate itself if the augmented user is actively channeling thaumaturgy.

Spirit Augmentation may now be cast directly on others with cast 201 (target) for a lesser effect.

You may now specify an amount when transfering items. Example: transfer 5 fresh arnica from backpack to mortar

There has been a change to archery. Bow quality now affects damage and arrow quality affects accuracy.

Abandon works properly again.

Some various appraise andsell bugs have been addressed.

Horses won't fit in the tents and hovels in the robber camp.

Hair up to shoulder-length will now be hidden by pulled-up hoods and cowls, as will any hair worn in a bun, chignon, braid, or ponytail.

General Blacksmithing has had its name changed to Forging: General and General Music has had its named changed to Music: General.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:53 pm
by Rithiel
Raw untargetted casts of thaumaturgy should no longer select invalid targets for healing when queued or tranced.

You can no longer attempt to unlock things while under attack, mesmerized, or prone.

You cannot bandage other people while you are lying down.

You won't hear ESP while dead, unconscious, or sapped.

Armor encumbrance was being double counted for many stealth rolls. This has been corrected. It was also possible if you were really penalized for beneficial factors to make you even worse off. This, too, has been corrected.

It is now possible to transfer items from containers on the ground such as wagons and handcarts.

Chopping branches will only put them in a wagon if it is hitched to your own mount.

Information has been added to Journeyman Aeromancy that there is a passive chance to reduce travel time in the wilderness. This has always been in effect, but was not previously noted in documentation or guild ability information.

Aero Jump now requires an active aeromancy channel to perform.

Rocs, roclings, and scorpions can be skined.

Apparently Utasa weren't getting any use from their armor chink ability.

The mercenary ability Coup de Morte has had some changes in the way attack and defense are calculated.

Returns to farming have been tweaked back up slightly.

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:06 pm
by Rithiel
It is now possible to gain channeling skill while sitting.

Monks will no longer get guild points for healing their own mounts.

Skill study will now provide a list of currently studied skills, the time remaining, and the points needed to practice.

The Tomb Keeper Sethious will now provide tasks for the Rook Parlour.

Individuals with channel mastery or journeyman will now appropriately get the bonus skillgains.

Roundtimes for using transfer with source containers not on your person have been reduced.

Transfer will now attempt to re-calculate container weights before moving items, resolving a few bugs such as one related to smelting furnaces.

Following minions should no longer occasionally appear to be following the wrong person in their messaging.

FORGE [item] QUALITY will now properly recognize the items crafted quality and will give the appropriate options list.

FORGE [item] QUALITY has been updated and a few new options have been added, including the option to remove the quality type of what was crafted for average and better items.

Members of the Western Coalition with the Master Blacksmith ability will now be able to forge a new sword type.

All iron tools in the Shadgard Blacksmith's Shop have been replaced with bronze.

Lcraft [item] quality will now work properly. A new option has been added to allow users to remove the quality type of what was crafted for average and better items.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:26 am
by Rias
Some creatures that prefer to hide and ambush should no longer stand around twiddling their thumbs when they are constantly prevented from hiding.

It is no longer possible to swim while wearing heavy armor or carrying too much weight.

Assassins: Cloak of Shadows and Nether Hands (now Nether CLAWS) have been updated. Use guild describe in-game to see the details.

Mayhew now properly performs his idle actions.

You may now bandage yourself by specifying 'my' rather than typing out your name. For example: bandage my right arm. You may also use l and r instead of left and right.

Moving through solid objects (like closed doors) should once again be impossible.

Being attacked will now cause a small amount of energy loss to the defender as the defender attempts to dodge/block/parry, regardless of the attack's outcome. Inventory and armor weight can increase the amount of energy loss.

It is no longer possible to use Tactics Marksman without a ranged weapon.

It is no longer possible to pick locks while wearing armor on the hands, unless the armor is fingerless.

Tumble and flip are now properly prevented by encumbrance and/or heavier armor.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:46 pm
by Rias
It is no longer possible for non-elemancers to cast with wands.

It is no longer possible to forge broadsword blades. They didn't have their own base template and were using the terrible generic one-handed sword template by default. Any broadsword owners should ask a GM to convert the broadsword to a longsword, which will be a vast improvement.

Too old to do any more sailing, seaman Hampton has taken to staying at the Shattered Pumpkin in Mistral Lake. He can train or promote aspiring students from the University of Elemancy.

Nether Survey tasks should now only send Rooks to areas with actual nether properties.

Elemancer survey tasks should no longer send students into territory far too dangerous for them to handle.

Infused Nether now works with sorcery channels combined with cryomancy.

The Halo spell is now a minor-maintained spell, lessening energy regeneration during the duration. Cast it to activate, cast again while active to deactivate.

Minor Beacon is now a maintained spell, requiring an active thaumaturgy channel and extra energy per second while active. It can be dismissed by casting it again while active. It also got some little cosmetic upgrades.

options 14 can be used to toggle whether or not you see obvious exits when looking. Useful for those who prefer the compass.

Feeling upset at being taken advantage of, herbal healers in hamlets and other small villages now keep track of debts owed them, and may refuse to waste expensive poultices on those who have accumulated too high of a debt. They will always bandage wounds to stop bleeding (but not heal the wound) regardless of debt, though leaving a debt unresolved for too long may be harmful to one's local reputation.

Characters may pay off their debts when standing next to NPCs they owe debts to, and may ask their debtors about "debts" to see how much they owe, if anything.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:53 am
by Rithiel
Guards can no longer intercept attacks when under certain effects.

You can throw your peas into your soups and meat pies (although why would you want to?).

It is now more difficult to pull a target into Melee position if the target is under the effects of Aero Shield or Hydro Shield, or knows Guerilla Tactics.

The ammo command now displays powderhorns and displays how many uses of powder are available.

Titanium and tungsten have been removed from the game.

The charge for getting a key copied will now properly be deducted from your total riln.

You can now use the tone command in conjunction with an item that would muffle your voice such as greathelms or masks.

When speaking with an item that muffles your voice, the say description of that item has been shortened. However, the details of that item can still be seen when looking at the person.

You will no longer make one nail at a time. Prices have been adjusted accordingly.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:09 pm
by Rithiel
Orbs will no longer follow a hidden person by name. Utasa orbs can be dismissed without the hand-waving messaging.

Carpentry will take fewer total steps, and each step will take less time and energy to complete.

Forging blunt weapons and hilts no longer gives the erroneous extra skillgain it was previously.

Being prevented from climbing something due to being engaged in combat should no longer erroneously send messaging that the character successfully climbed.

When arriving in the area, messaging should now, for the most part, indicate to bystanders where the arriving character just came from.

Campfires that have had logs added to them will now leave behind some charcoal.

IRC chat in #clokchat now echoes to in-game OOC chat. option 15 can be used to ignore IRC chat on the in-game OOC channel.

Some difficulty ratings for forging items have been adjusted.

Mining caverns will correctly open up when discovered.

Templar preemptive attacks when intercepting attacks on their guarded wards should now only allow a single strike.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:45 am
by Rias
Items made of ironwood should no longer adversely affect nethrim.

Infested troglodytes should once again be spawning in the Old Dusklamp tunnels.

The wonky movement messages showing room codenames should be fixed. bug report any further instances, please.

It is no longer possible to cut a bar of metal any smaller than 'tiny'.

Similar to offensive checks, there are now appropriate checks (and penalties if necessary) for defending with 2-handed weapons while holding something in your off hand. In addition, if you know blade slap, you will no longer be able to do so if you're holding a 2-handed weapon.

Soundpulling correctly gives the +10% to stealth.

Hamlets are now marked on the in-game map as a purple + instead of a purple #, which was difficult to distinguish from the pink # used for full towns.

Slag-lumps should no longer cause an error when trying to appraise or sell them at the market. Slag-lumps existing previous to this change will still cause the error - please just toss them in a trash barrel.

Herbs should no longer sell for more than their buyback price at markets.

Most wilderness areas should now have wildlife that can be hunted.

Druids who commune will now need an animal callsign, which will be used instead of a name.

The fade minion command is now available for minions that are noncorporeal nethrim (i.e. shadow familiars). Please report any bugs via the BUG command or on the BBS.

It is now possible to light letters, notes, slips, and other similar items, which will immediately destroy them.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 11:34 am
by Rias
The wilderness road now leads TO the Coalition HQ rather than around it.

Weeds now grow regardless of a field's water status and will now eventually overtake (remove) planting plots. This should help to get rid of all the forsaken fields in the wilderness.

Wound levels should no longer occasionally be higher than the maximum wound level possible, which was preventing some bandages from working.

Attempting to log in with an incorrect password should no longer produce an error.

Town mines have had their stock of minerals adjusted for the purpose of geological accuracy.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:30 pm
by Rithiel
The info command no longer displays how much riln a character is carrying.

It is now possible to recite and sing. Only basic right now; expect polish to be added in time (tones, languages, etc.).

climbing energy usage and challenge now take worn armor and inventory weight into account.

Templar now gain guild points for successfully casting attack spells at nethrim.

Dwaedn's Blessing of the Cougar should now properly work even without access to Wolf's Cunning.

Successfully making armor checks will now grant skill when defending in addition to attacking.

Combat is now penalized when riding a warhorse if Riding skill is too low. The benefits of warhorses now require more Riding skill to fully utilize.

Blade Slap has had some extra bonuses removed and is no longer quite as effective as parrying with a weapon (numbers-wise). Expect tweaks.

The bonus to accuracy while charging on a mount now uses a significantly smaller percentage of the Riding skill.

The chance for leg and foot strikes to cause a knockdown is now dependant on the hit location's maximum wound threshold. That is to say, targets with weaker legs are easier to knock down, targets with tougher legs are harder to knock down. The relative minimum threshold has been decreased slightly.

Very minor strikes from arrows will no longer lodge the arrow into the target, and will instead place the arrow in the room contents.

Crafted arrows should now work with the Rapid Fire ability.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:40 pm
by Rias
NPC Monks from the Church of Light will now show up at infirmaries every bell (hour) to assist in healing of the wounded, and will do as much as they can before needing to leave and rest. NPCs will flock to the infirmaries during this time as well.

Injured NPCs in infirmaries will now spawn with a wider range of wound severity.

Herbalists in infirmaries will now tend to any injured NPCs present. They will still wait for PCs to ask for healing, though this may change soon to become automated as well, and prevent PCs from bleeding to death in front of a healer.

The variety of wounded NPC types that show up in infirmaries should now be large enough so that no single type of NPC "doubles up" (i.e. 2 wounded hunters in the same infirmary). This should make it easier for bandagers to specify whom they are trying to target.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:49 am
by Rias
Infested merchants have had their punch attacks toned down to be as wimpy as the infested carriers found in Tarueka.

The wilderness is getting wilder! Some areas will be more dangerous than others, though it should be rare that an area of the wilderness is as dangerous or densely-populated as explorable areas. Patrols will soon be added to the main roads to help keep travelers safe.

Purchasing items with recognition points will now have the messaging properly state that recognition points are spent, not guild points.

The Mistral Lake depart destination has been moved to the mortuary.

Withered spirits should no longer spawn in Old Dusklamp.

The encumbrance command no longer shows an exact number.

Readable items may now be in different languages.

The language command is now used to choose a language (speak will still work, however).

The write command will now write in whichever language a character has chosen via the language command.

Giganti now have their own language.

It is no longer possible to hunt on major wilderness roads.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 5:47 pm
by Rithiel
Armor's current durability state is now color-coded in the output of the armor command.

Mummer Mindsense should no longer go wonky with group messaging.

A room's identifying name should no longer show up in the follow/movement messaging when you follow a group leader through a portal.

NPC healers now bandage slower, allowing for practicing bandagers to get some practice in as well.

The tutor command should be working properly again.

It now costs energy to mount.

Obsidian can both be polished and used in jewelry.

Randomly-generated weapon and armor loot should no longer use descriptors that denote the current condition of the item (cracked, dented, burnt, battered, keen-edged, gleaming, etc.) as these often conflict with the actual current state of the item which is constantly changing due to breakage and repair.

RP verbs that should be able to be performed in the dark should now have appropriate messaging, and messaging when blind should be appropriate.

Position changes (standing, sitting, and the like) should no longer be visible in complete darkness.

Many of the silly randomly-generated clothing loot combinations have been removed. (No more fur-lined leather socks, sorry!)

More color possibilities, alternative clothing nouns, and descriptors have been added to randomly-generated loot, including special lists of options for specific item types.

You can no longer transfer in complete darkness.

You can speak in flat and worried tones.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:33 am
by Rias
New RP verbs: breathe, fret, gag, gulp.

New tones: coy, flat, tease, worried.

Templar are now provided with a small wall-mounted arms rack in their living cells, with room for one weapon and one shield of any size.

Nethrim destroyed by Sun Disc ricochets should now properly count toward Templar culling tasks.

Wanted posters are now viewable in the Mistral Lake town square.

The status prompt now indicates when Nether Hands, Shadow Cloak, or Halo are active.

sapping an NPC now only causes the target to hate the sapper if the sapper fails in the attempt.

Lockpicks now degrade slightly as they are used. Fumbles will now significantly lower pick quality rather than turning them into 'bent' lockpicks or breaking. Once quality goes below a certain threshold, the lockpick will break.

There are now two social channels. OOC is to be used for only on-topic discussion about CLOK, and is enabled by default for new characters. CHAT is used for off-topic discussion, and is disabled for new characters by default. Both can be enabled or disabled via the options command.

Herbal healers in towns with established banks will now rightfully keep track of peoples' debts.

The Telepathy spell used by Mummers is now a minor-maintained effect. It can be dismissed by casting the spell again while already active.

The Saucy Templar diner now has its own stables.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:56 pm
by Rias
Items that cover the entire head should once again cause a penalty to perception due to covering the eyes.

Returning lost mounts to stables will now attempt to send them to the nearest stable rather than the last one they were stabled at. Failing that (if there are no stables close enough by), the mount will be returned to the last stable they were stabled at as it worked previously.

Stables that find lost mounts will now send mail to the mount's owner, informing the owner of the situation and the mount's location.

The gate to Tarueka is now significantly easier to climb (we failed to take into account typical encumbrance penalties when initially setting the challenge).

Minor Animates will now automatically remove ammo lodged into their bodies and drop it.

Characters are now required to have active access to the ESP network in order to get the immediate "mental tingling" notification when mail is sent to them and when logging into the game. (This does not effect the OOC email notifications via OPTION 9.)

Characters will now get the "mental tingling" mail notifiaction each hour on the hour, provided they have mail waiting to be picked up and have active access to the ESP network.

It is now possible for characters to wash themselves off in rooms with shallow or deep water, or in rooms with nearby rivers or other applicable water sources.

It is now possible to butcher hares.

It is no longer outright impossible to hide or move stealthily anywhere, though previously unhideable rooms (mainly gatehouses and similar) now have severe penalties.

Group leaders will now automatically slow down for any group members who travel slower than the leader (for instance, with a leader riding a mount and a follower on foot).

All types of knockdowns should now stun instead of inflict roundtime. Please report any that were missed.

Skinning is now an auto-repeated process until the target corpse is completely skinned. Type stop to stop auto-skinning.

Removing lodged arrows should no longer cause an error.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:26 am
by Rias
Large and medium branches can now be chopped into two branches of one size smaller.

Soul Harvest success/fail messaging is now color-coded.

Soul Harvest now takes less time, both on success and failure.

Soul Harvest failures are now slightly more interesting.

Rooks can now learn the Command Nethrim spell.

Hourly mail notifications should no longer to go the wrong people. Oops.

There are some new achievement available. Tracking is retroactive on them, so some people may receive multiple achievements at once.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:51 pm
by Rithiel
Characters now get dirty, bloody, gore-spattered, smelly, and other fun things from various actions. Remember to wash off before running off to attend social functions. The effects command will help players find out if they're in need of some bathing.

The bandage command will now correctly count all bandages, even ones very recently purchased.

You can threaten people using the speech command.

Leathercrafted and blacksmithed goods will once again sell at the pawnshop.

You can now leathercraft the following items (under containers): sheath, scabbard, baldric, harness, holster, as well as hip and back quivers (under quiver).

Leathercrafting now appropriately takes into account the quality of the leather used, averaging it with the crafting quality.

Skinning, cleaning, and tanning pelts will now calculate quality similar to the other professions, and is cummulative through crafting with the pelt.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:00 pm
by Rias
Untended and lost horses should no longer be brought to the nonexistant Tarueka Stables.

Knapping, chopping, felling, and mining now cause durability degrade to the tools used to do the work. Since weapon breakage isn't live yet, this doesn't mean much at the moment.

Several crop weights have been adjusted to be more reasonable (corn no longer weighs the same as a watermelon, for instance).

Got rid of some more silly loot clothing combinations.

New loot category possibilities for lockboxes: Statues/figurines (collect them all!) and jewelry.

Fishing should now be possible along all rivers, and has been added to any rivers/creeks/lakes/etc. in explorable areas that could be recalled by staff. If a place seems to have been missed, please report it.

Several new types of fish have been added, many dependant on environment.

Spearfishing has been added to several spots where it seemed appropriate in addition to angling. Again, please report spots that may have been missed.

If there are multiple sittables (chairs, barstools, benches, etc.) of the same appearance in the same room, if a character tries to sit on the first one and it is already full, the other matching sittables in the room will be checked for vacancy and the character will automatically sit on a matching vacant sittable, rather than having to specify a vacant sittable by number.

It is one again possible to tan scales into scale leather and use it to make scale leather armor.

It is no longer possible to intercept attacks on another while webbed.

Knights Templar may now learn the Tactics: Guardian ability.

It is now possible to put riln into containers, and riln now has a weight associated with it. Reminder: It is NOT okay to mail riln (or anything else, for that matter) to your own alternate characters. Mail containing riln will have the sender and receiver info monitored.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:12 pm
by Rias
The University of Elemancy has stopped admitting crag yetis to their school. (That was sarcasm. Read the next item.)

Crag yetis no longer know pyromancy.

Worn powderhorns should once again be reporting their contents via the ammo command.

It is now possible with most commands to specify unlimited adjectives to target something. For instance: get inferior ground fraer root will now work, where before only one specific adjective was allowed. Please report commands that do not allow for multiple adjectives.

It is no longer possible to check mail if a character is greatly disliked by the local faction.

CombatBrief (option 11) now makes combat messaging even briefer by omitting more fluff text (retrieving ammo, nocking bows, loading firearms) and condensing weapon/ammunition names to only the noun in combat-specific messaging.

Stone Canyon now changes from Temperate to Subalpine climate earlier into the area.

The fiddles sold at the Shadgard Music Shoppe are now properly bowed instruments rather than strummed, and horsehair bows have been added to the shop which must be used to play said fiddles.

Violins and bows to play them with have been added to the music shop in the Mummers' camp.

Casting thaumaturgy without a specified target should once again default to the character with the highest injury level the caster is capable of healing.

Most commands should now accept "my" as an argument to only search for the specified item on the player character's own person. For instance, if there is a candle in your bag and one on the floor, a player could enter get my candle to get the one from their own bag rather than the one on the floor.

Fish sizes now vary depending on fish, which in turns influences the challenge. Let the fishing competitions commence!

Due to the above, the "soft cap" on fishing skillgains has been removed.

Spearfishing now grants skill, but uses a different formula than angling.

The cheese wedges and salted bread twists sold at the Twin Dagger no longer weigh a pound each. Good grief.

The shop item listings now show prices and look a little neater.

The bowtruckles are no longer so content to let intruders waltz around as they please in their burrows.

Randomly-generated loot clothing should now be pawnable.

Many smaller wild animals are no longer staunch warriors who stand their ground at any sign of danger and fight to the death. They once again flee danger and only fight back when desparate. Some varieties are an exception (infested, nether-animated, rabid, etc.)

Being so tiny, rats no longer produce pelts.

Infested squirrels no longer have humanoid hit locations.

A bug causing some armor penalties to only apply if the armor type was leather has been fixed. Sorry, heavy-armor-wearers.

If two characters are logged in and one character's name is within the other's, such as the case with Dara and Daratanian, tells can be directed to the character with the shorter name by typing that character's full name exactly.

The tome in the Shadgard Church Sanctuary is now readable.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:01 am
by Rias
The chairs at the tables in the Shandy Gaff diner now accommodate more than one person.

Several customizable items in the Shadgard General Store now come with a default customization, meaning they can be purchased without needing to place a custom order. The barrels have had their prices adjusted up a bit, and the "belt pouch" is now a "belt-pouch" to retain the "belt" part even when custom-ordered.

Treasure boxes now have variable lock challenges.

Lock-pickers should now sense if they have no chance of picking a lock after a while (how long this takes is determined by skill), and stop auto-picking when this happens.

Characters should no longer continue to attempt to auto-dig if they no longer have a digging tool in their hands.

The Claw of Shar's "Mark and Study" effect should no longer show when the target checks their effects. Shame on certain people for never reporting it (you know who you are).

It should no longer be possible to keep picking the lock on a box if it has left the picker's hand and is not on the ground.

A lockpick's material now influences how quickyly it degrades with use.

The tankards sold in the Grizzly Den now properly report holding 12 ticks of liquid instead of 10. Tankards purchased previous to this update are uneffected (they still hold 12 ticks, but the description says they only hold 10 - ask a GM to update the description if desired).

Getting drunk may affect a character's speech. More effects to come.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:50 pm
by Rithiel
All weapons/armor/shields now have a quality rating, including the store-bought variety (which should generally be average quality).

Snipers should no longer observe when hidden and unknown bystanders trace their attack's flight path.

Snipers should no longer have their names given to their target when the target's hiding place is revealed by the attack.

Several uncorporeal nethrim have had their energy levels reduced to be more in line with what is typical for uncorporeal nethrim. This includes shadow familiars.

Numerical specifications when targeting one of multiple objects/creatures should be working again.

The supernatural strength granted by Bear's Strength and Bear's Blessing now reduces encumbrance.

Roundtime for PC repairs has been reduced significantly.

The trash barrel in Emleth now actually functions as a trash barrel.

Carpentry got some love: chests, barrels, casks, weapon racks, and armor racks can now be built.

Blacksmith commodities got two new ones: hinges and hoops (both used in carpentry).

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:51 pm
by Rithiel
Players can use the command bandage me to bandage themselves without specifying a location. It does not have the full functionality as the more robust use of bandage.

Characters with Bear's Strength, Bear's Blessing, or Battlefury active now have a chance to break free of webbing early.

Roasting meat on a skewer over a fire is now live. See the BBS post in Cooking or the wiki for more information.

Infested meat isn't the healthiest thing to eat, so be wary of consuming it. This is a retcon, so assume it's always been this way.

Tasks should no longer send people into the bowtruckle burrows.

Whispering from hiding will reveal your location to anybody who can see your target.

Whispering to a hidden target will reveal your target's location to anybody that can see you.

Whispering now takes into account your language and language skills.

The code for tone and speech has changed. This shouldn't cause any changes for players. However, if you use a permenant tone or speech and there are problems, simply re-set it and it should be fine.

Re: Bugfixes/Changes/Improvements

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:10 pm
by Rithiel
You are able to bandage yourself while mounted.

New tones: Laconic, distracted, grumpy, annoyed, resigned, hasty, quick, acerbic

Irwin no longer accepts stone weapons or wooden practice weapons for trader tasks.

NPC infirmary healers will now automatically heal a Player Character's wounds when that character is lying down. If a character asks for healing or healall as with the old system, the NPC will simply help ease that character into a prone position, and then move on to bandaging as it works under the new system. (This applies to people who pass out from bleeding in infirmaries as well - no more deaths from passing out before being able to ask for healing!)

Spear of Light now does one single cycle of damage three times as powerful as before, rather than 3 cycles of weaker damage. The damage output should be the same, while minimising visual output.

Crazed Necromancers have been renamed Rotting Liches to make their state of being more obvious, and they now properly have abilities based around sorcery rather than elemancy. Their sceptres are now cudgel-based rather than staff-based.

The Tainted Monastic Liches that populate Thaelsh have been renamed Shambling Revenants, as the definition of the term "lich" doesn't apply to these fellows. Yes, we are nitpicky about these things.

Significant changes to farming. See viewtopic.php?f=42&t=2947&p=15713#p15713

Hoods will no longer cover facial hair. In addition, hoods and masks can be worn together with appropriate messaging.

Lyndrai's Boutique now sells some simple items that can be worn in the hair.

Saw roundtimes have been reduced significantly.

Commodity prices have been fixed (increased) for planks, as has quality.