Network Maintenance April 10th

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Network Maintenance April 10th

Post by Jirato »

Bottom line up front: There may be minor lag or disconnects during a 6 hour maintenance window starting around midnight eastern time April 10th. (10pm April 9th game time).
Maintenance type:

Reason for Maintenance:
One of our upstream bandwidth providers will be performing software upgrades. During this time our team will be diverting traffic, which should have minimal impact on your services.

Chances of latency for all clients and some packet loss for any clients routing through VOX.

Time of Maintenance:
Start: Wednesday April 10th, 2019 @ 12:00AM EDT
Finish: Wednesday April 10th, 2019 @ 6:00AM EDT

Estimated amount of downtime:
We understand the importance of keeping your sites and services online, and as of now we do not expect any downtime for our clients, but advise that you prepare for periodic packet loss or increased latency for ~10 - 15 minutes during the 6 hour maintenance window.
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Re: Network Maintenance April 10th

Post by Alila »

Thank you for the warning, Jirato. I will do my best to conceal Clok withdrawal symptoms from friends and family during this long and trying maintenance period.
But more seriously, thank you for the update, and hopefully you are having fun! ;)
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In the large bird's nest you see a pewter mug.
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