ClokCast (No..we haven't agreed on the name yet!)

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ClokCast (No..we haven't agreed on the name yet!)

Post by Vinz »

After speaking to the staff, we have decided to give a podcast a try to both answer your questions and give us another platform to give you folks some feedback and talk about a few things in a new way.

In order to do this however! We will need YOUR QUESTIONS! So if you have questions you would like answered on the podcast, then please leave them here and we will add them to our list to do. We don't have a specific drop date for this yet, but we will do what we can when we can and figure out a good schedule that feels natural.

If you have any suggestions for topics, please post and we will see where this goes! Yey for experimentation!

-*- GM Vinz -*-
Haite says, " ...Diamonds are also hard, really really freaking hard."
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