Infirmary Healing

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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Barius »

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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Rithiel »

NPC infirmary healers will now automatically heal a Player Character's wounds when that character is lying down. If a character asks for healing or healall as with the old system, the NPC will simply help ease that character into a prone position, and then move on to bandaging as it works under the new system. (This applies to people who pass out from bleeding in infirmaries as well - no more deaths from passing out before being able to ask for healing!)
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Rias »

Bug Info: As soon as an NPC comes into the infirmary, the herbalist shifts focus to bandaging them.
Did the NPC have a more severe wound than any of yours? The herbalist prioritizes the most severely-wounded patient, regardless of room order.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Kiyaani »

I like the intended functionality behind this as far as not dying in infirmaries anymore, but is there a way to make asking for healing work how it used to? As it is currently (to my understanding):

Walk into the infirmary with wounds
Ask <healer> for heal/healall
If you're wounded enough they will ease you down and bandage you right away. If not, they will ask you to wait and proceed to bandage every NPC before you with any wounds that are more severe.
If you only want the most severe wound on your body healed you must actively stand up to stop the NPC from overcharging you.
Payment is no longer made automatically and must be performed after service is given
The bandages used by the healer will not always heal the full extent of the wound the first time around (unless this was recently fixed)

How I would prefer it:
Walk into the infirmary
Ask <healer> for heal/healall only gives the bandages you ask for (heal being the most severe for as many as you request, healall being everything). Perhaps to distinguish code - they ease you into a sitting position instead of lying down. Payment is made upfront like it was.
Collapse in infirmary - autoheal under the new system and payment can be made afterwards.

The main concern I have with the new system is that now on top of waiting for the bandages to work their magic, even getting the bandages can take quite some time. Realism is good, but the NPCs aren't spending time trying to actively enjoy the game experience.

Current situation:
Fatigue: Fully Rested Hunger: Well-Fed
Your back is scraped.
Your chest is scraped.
Your right arm is scraped.
Your left arm is scraped.
Your right hand is scraped.
Your left hand is scraped.
Your right foot is scraped.

ask lyn about heal
The Herbalist Lynsie helps ease you into a lying position and tells you it will see to your wounds as soon as possible.

Also here: the Herbalist Lynsie, a furrier (lying down), a trapper (lying down), a citizen (lying down) and a fisherman (badly wounded, lying down, bloody).

look fur
Nothing particularly unusual about a furrier.
Her left eye is scraped.
Her right hand is scraped.
She is wearing a cloak, a tunic, some trousers and some wool socks.

look trap
Nothing particularly unusual about a trapper.
Her left arm is scraped. (bandaged)
Her left hand is scraped.
Her right leg is scraped.
She is wearing a cloak, a tunic, some trousers and some wool socks.

look cit
Nothing particularly unusual about a citizen.
Her back is scraped. (bandaged)
Her chest is scraped.
Her left hand is scraped. (bandaged)
She is wearing a cloak, a tunic, some trousers and some wool socks.

look fish
Nothing particularly unusual about a fisherman.
His left eye is badly damaged.
His head is lightly damaged.
His chest is lightly damaged.
His abdomen is lightly damaged.
His left foot is lightly damaged.
He is wearing a cloak, a tunic, some trousers and some wool socks.
He is covered in blood!

She is not bandaging anyone.

ask lyn about heal
The Herbalist Lynsie says to you, "Please be patient - I'll get to you as soon as I can."

Now, this may be a bug and unrelated, but I would still prefer if I could get the wounds addressed and get out of dodge. (scrapes were only an example. I normally bandage those myself)
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Kiyaani »

Adding onto that other post - don't want to edit it as-is:

ask ism about heal
The healer Ismelda helps ease you into a lying position and tells you she will see to your wounds as soon as possible.

The healer Ismelda carefully bandages a scholar's abdomen.

The healer Ismelda carefully bandages a scholar's right eye.

The healer Ismelda briefly removes your tightly-wrapped dark leather armbands in order to get at a wound.
The healer Ismelda carefully bandages your left arm and asks that you pay for the service as soon as possible.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.

The healer Ismelda briefly removes your mesh-palmed ebon fur gloves in order to get at a wound.
The healer Ismelda carefully bandages your right hand and asks that you pay for the service as soon as possible.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.

The healer Ismelda briefly removes your mesh-palmed ebon fur gloves in order to get at a wound.
The healer Ismelda carefully bandages your left hand and asks that you pay for the service as soon as possible.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.

Stop what? You aren't doing anything, lazybones!

The healer Ismelda briefly removes your fitted black leather jerkin with two buckles securing the waist in order to get at a wound.
The healer Ismelda carefully bandages your chest and asks that you pay for the service as soon as possible.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.

Wait 1 seconds.

Asking for heal should just heal one wound. Otherwise what's the point in having healall and heal commands be separate? If nothing else is altered, please consider changing this back. I don't want to have to actively stand up each time I just want my most severe wound healed.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Kiyaani »

Thank you guys for the hard work on this by the way. And for keeping on top of all the bugs being reported with it so far.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Rithiel »

I think I finally got all these bugs hammered out today. If you find something that is still buggy, please bug it, even if you have already.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Rithiel »

I recently implemented new code to try and get at these last pesky bugs that couldn't be tracked down. Nothing should change mechanically, so if something does change, please bug it.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Aerotine »

As a thought for realism. Wouldn't any healthcare professional wash and clean the blood off of you to help keep the wound from becoming infected?
(As a combat medic in the Army, I know the answer to this question...just wanted to see what you guys thought)
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Jaster »

And just to see the wound better. A wound may only be half as bad as it looked when covered in blood, or twice as bad. You can't tell unless you get a good look! Plus, if somebody is covered in blood it is sometimes hard to see where the blood is coming from. Wash that coppery deliciousness off, then you have a fresh canvas for the wound to paint. (P.S. We should be bromedics)
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Kiyaani »

They might clean the wound, but they likely don't have time to give you a full bath. These people aren't performing surgery. This is just slapping some healing herbs on it and telling you to get out so someone else can come in.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Rithiel »

If anything, we might make you clean yourself up before the infirmary (which I don't think we'll do, just saying). Those effects mean a whole lot less if they're automatically removed during something that most people do regularly.

Also what Kiyaani said.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Jaster »

Well, I knew that, of course! But he was talking about what a healthcare professional would do, not what a CLOK Herbalist would do. Cleaning a wound site locally is totally a modern pre-hospital practice, and a little bit of sterile water does wonders for your complexion. >_<
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by xavier »

can the Tse Gaiyan Chapterhouse have it's hourly healer back? getting beat up by the snipers in the dedicated training ground you get hita fair amount unless you are willing to take forever to move, search, move search, move search and the shadgard and mistral lake infirmaries are kind of far away.
Rain falls steadily to the earth.
The gore has been washed from you.
The blood has been washed from you.
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Rain falls steadily to the earth.
The gore has been washed from you.
The blood has been washed from you.
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Re: Infirmary Healing

Post by Jirato »

We made a change to the way the visiting monks work the other day. They will no longer visit on the hour, every hour. Instead, monks will visit at randomized intervals throughout the day. This should make things a bit more realistic rather than having a guaranteed schedule for monk healing. For best results, find a player character monk. :-)
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