The Bandit Fort Crusade!

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The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Teek »

Here is the deal folks. I'm organizing a group to go out and help clear the Bandit Fort in Ebon pass. I want YOU to join the Honeypot crusade! Service guarantees payment. Would you like to know more? OF COURSE YOU DO.

I'm looking for bodies. Also, skilled bodies. But even if you combat skills are lacking, you can still do your part! Anyone who signs on and fights in the battle will receive payment from my character, in addition to an equal share of the spoils once the battle I over.

No one will be turned away. Do you sacrifice to dark unspeakable gods and drink the blood of the innocent? Does not matter, I'm looking for you. Are you an Eco-Terrorist with a penchant for howling at the Moon? Don't care. Do you like Stealing things, creepy spiders, or have a problem starting fires? Don't care, make your mark. Pacifist with deep misgivings about slaying folks? Fine, hold this shield and stand in the front. We will find a use for everyone and anyone, as long as they can follow the simple instruction of "Kill Bandits until they are dead".

Folks interested in joining this epic crusade of our time can post here, and contact Teek IG. Remember YOU are the hero of these lands! This is the fight of our time. A chance for us to leave out mark on the world, for better or worse! THE GODS WILL IT. DEUS VULT!!
Last edited by Teek on Thu May 12, 2016 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Jaster »

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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Tamsin »

Teek wrote:... or have a problem starting fires?
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Teek »

Well, at this time I've had 2 people IC confirm interest in clearing the fort...a monk, and a hippy druid. The response to the idea in general seems muted at best, and outright hostile at worst. Frankly, if that's how it is, you guys can figure it out yourselves. I try to spread put together something that might be fun, and it's been more of a headache then anything else. I don't play for the headaches, I play to enjoy myself.

Luckly for me, CLOK has enough content that I don't need to deal it's players in order to enjoy it. If a Templar, Wyrvardn, or Mercenary wants to actual have a hand at doing their IC job, I pass the mantle to them.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Vitello »

Thanks for trying, Teek. Getting people on board can be a challenge even in the best of circumstances. I know you meant well and applaud the intent. There are some factors that complicated this endeavor though. Please take this as constructive criticism from someone who encourages you to try again in the future.

Taureka was cleared, commendable but it also came with the drawback of loosing a hunting ground. There hasn't been a 'recovery' from that yet and clearing another area could be costly in time and staff resources. I'm not sure the hostility you received but it could be linked to this.

I think you started a little to big in this. Perhaps instead of clearing the fort off the bat start by gathering concerned citizens and stepping up patrols into the pass. Form a militia, routine patrols, decoy caravans and ambushes. A story arc rather than a single episode.

Sometimes players can be a bit hesitant of changing the game world so dramatically. Again resources and staff oversight; maybe nothing would have come of this. Also a number of players hate to loose. I was interested in participating with Alwaren but I also knew oocly it could be a disastrous defeat. Not every player/character is up for that.

The skeptics will be there always. The questioners and doubters, some are just that mindset icly, or have reasons to view from a different perspective. In Mudding the terms PvE and PvP are common. What you don't hear often is Pv environment;commoners;society;thinking;etc Rising despite resistance such as this builds character (pun) and makes the successful hero shine brighter (or rub salt in a failure's wounds)
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by gralkik »

I'll agree with much of Vitello's post. It would be ideal if there was a story to the eradication of the bandit fort. But, also need to plan as to what to do with it, there after. we can't have other things take it over, either... or, right off the bat. If we can run a 'plot line' about taking it over as some Fortress for a good cause for the better security of the land, because of the position that it is in. I'll jump on it, too. I am sure you're angry, because things aren't going the way you'd like. Nothing always go the way we want to. Some times.. we just get lucky.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by artus »

I agree with two recent posts. Seriously don't want it to be like Tarueka again for so long since it has a chance to draw people out. It doesn't take days to make an area but months.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Teek »

It's more a total character issue, magnified by this situation. Anything Teek does is scrutinized and criticized. Maybe it's part of being a Wyrvardn. At the end of the day, I wanted Teek to be able to try and make the lost lands a better place. It's become quite clear to me that players do NOT want the lost lands to be a better place, for whatever reasons. Character background, mechanics, whatever. I'm done trying to bicker, argue, and convince my point. Frankly, I enjoy the game. I enjoy playing it, but it seems I do t get along with the characters that live in it. Unfortunate, but that's simply the way it is. The only thing I regret is wasting the time and effort I put in to try and do what it is I thought this was all about...making the lost lands a better place, regardless of mechanics, whatever. Mechanics is a GM problem, not Teeks problem. Not a character problem. It does not even factor into any decision he/I make.

Regardless, Teek is done. I see no point putting in effort to make the lost lands a better place when it's not what folks want. There is no point in putting in this much effort, when the thanks I get is ridicule and derision. Anyone can [crap] on an idea, yet no one seems to come up with anything better. I argue with most of the Wyrvardn about issues that should be non issues. I argue with character and people about things that seem obvious to me, yet players/characters willfully choose to ignore or brush aside. After months of it wearing me down, you have reached the center of the tootise-pop. There is nothing left to wear down. Teek is no longer fun to play, so I'm not gonna do it.

GM's you guys are great, and come up with great events that keep things interesting. As for the players, like I said, CLOK is a great game. I enjoy it immensely. I'll enjoy it just as much without having to deal with interacting with most of you.

Have fun doing whatever it is you guys enjoy.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Lassyn »

A few notes,
- Clearing of the BAndit Fort was GM lead
- We have a plan for what to do with the area afterwords that will keep it useful. In fact, since it's been closed, it hasn't even been a hunting grounds for months.
- We've had builders preparing for what would be a seriously amazing event. If people don't have IC interest that's one thing. But mechanics and gm-wise, we're all ready (and excited!) to support it!
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by vunrad »

Either way vun is game.. If he even knew about it ig
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Lun »

They called Zeel a bad name. I'm going to prove them right.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by gralkik »

I have looked at my skill IC and the skill of bandits of that pass IC. ICly, Gralkik rarely does anything that is 'foolhardy'. He's told Teek IC that he is not up for commiting suicide. Because, you know.. laying dead for all of an event just royally suck. I was never not up for this task. Just always felt that it need carefull preperation, instead of just "charging in and laying whole hell and slaughter" on them. I still want to be a part of it, but I'd like some respect too from my own comrads. If I have to pick up this mantle, which is more than likely what I'll do.. since.. well.. I found somethings out IC, the hard way.

I am still full supportive of this, just want to see carefull planning, and preperation on the players side of it.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Teek »

Gralkik is now in charge of the careful planning and preparation of this whole thing. Or Ambrose. Or Zeel. Or anyone who wants it.

I'll shell out the coin, as promised.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by artus »

Hmm, now this gets my interest. I agreed whole heartedly with Gralkik's post about "charging and laying whole hell", and it was actually the point of why Artus argued with teek ic. May be if I, or actually Artus ic, sees more power, you can have this puny ranger on your side as well
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Lun »

Solution: Remove character limits for a day, have everyone command 50 alts. With our army of thousands, those bandits won't know what hit them!

Jokes aside, we have a playerbase that's strongly lacking in skill, with elite bandits rolling almost 2k. Our skilled playerbase is either in hiatus or has no interest in clearing it. I personally don't care either way, since I just like watching things happen in CLOK.

To my knowledge, no one ever used the Fortress as a casual hunting ground. The Fortress is like a town, full of guards and things that want you dead because you're invading their home. It's like attacking Haiban.

A lot of people complain about Tarueka being gone, but it's 100% been replaced with Shadgard Graveyard. It has even better skill scaling than Tarueka and offers more rewards. The Graveyard consists of multiple hunting grounds, and hunting grounds within those hunting grounds. I think it goes from 0-500 instead of just 0-300? Explore it! I keep telling players to go to the graveyard. There are mobs that drop money. There are mobs that can spawn with cobalt weapons. Do it! Go there! It's awesome!

Edit post math:
Yes, player skill level is going to be a problem. But if the GMs are planning an aftermath, then chances are, they're willing to back the players in "winning" the keep. But nothing will ever happen if players don't reach out. Reach out to NPC organizations and see if they can lend aid, or other things of that nature. There's a lot going on in the world that we might not be aware of because we haven't asked.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Fayne »

Teek wrote:Lots of ranting.
You know, I haven't played in a while, but I can tell you that from what I've just read, you have the wrong perspective for enjoying the game. You make it sound as though the only thing that will make you enjoy playing with other characters is to have everyone approve and support you, and for your character to have a significant impact on the game world.

You see, the problem with that is not everyone is going to share your character's opinions or viewpoints. That's part of the fun, you're playing with a bunch of different characters with different views, goals, and opinions, and the likelihood of anyone sharing exactly the same of each of those as your character is nearly zero.

From what I can tell, it seems to me like a GM just told you "Hey, this is totally gonna be a big and special thing if you go through with it." Who cares what any other player or character thinks? Even if you had absolutely no one else show up to your event, if you just follow through with it then you might actually see your character's goal advanced. You won't see that happen if you just bail out because the majority of characters don't agree with yours, and GMs almost never hint at possibly doing more with something a player has organized.

I think you need to adjust the way you're looking at things and go through with what you were planning. If the GMs aren't planning anything after all, well, no harm done, you haven't lost anything. If they were, though, you just threw away an opportunity, and probably the chance to make other characters change their tune about your ideas! All it takes is one victory for people to start believing in your character and see things from their perspective.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Teek »

Fayne wrote:
Teek wrote:Lots of ranting.
You know, I haven't played in a while, but I can tell you that from what I've just read, you have the wrong perspective for enjoying the game. You make it sound as though the only thing that will make you enjoy playing with other characters is to have everyone approve and support you, and for your character to have a significant impact on the game world.

You see, the problem with that is not everyone is going to share your character's opinions or viewpoints. That's part of the fun, you're playing with a bunch of different characters with different views, goals, and opinions, and the likelihood of anyone sharing exactly the same of each of those as your character is nearly zero.

From what I can tell, it seems to me like a GM just told you "Hey, this is totally gonna be a big and special thing if you go through with it." Who cares what any other player or character thinks? Even if you had absolutely no one else show up to your event, if you just follow through with it then you might actually see your character's goal advanced. You won't see that happen if you just bail out because the majority of characters don't agree with yours, and GMs almost never hint at possibly doing more with something a player has organized.

I think you need to adjust the way you're looking at things and go through with what you were planning. If the GMs aren't planning anything after all, well, no harm done, you haven't lost anything. If they were, though, you just threw away an opportunity, and probably the chance to make other characters change their tune about your ideas! All it takes is one victory for people to start believing in your character and see things from their perspective.
Your right. I played Teek to have those things. I now realize that no matter what I do, I cannot change what people want to do. It's a catch 22. As far as I can see, the only reason this thing gained traction is because a GM came out and said they were on board. People SHOULD want to have an impact on the world, regardless of if a GM was on board or not. That is my point...people don't. "Oh no, my mechanics." "Oh no, it's too hard". Poor excuses not to do something in my book.

I don't expect characters to share my viewpoints. That does make the game fun. I am disappointed that Teeks viewpoints are shared by exactly not a one of the godamn population. Even amongst those of his guild, he argues, and debates, and RP throws drinking horns across the Honorhall because they Simply. Don't. Get it. Maybe you can roll a Wyrvardn and do better. I challenge anyone to, instead of sitting back, yet again, and pointing out how/what I did wrong with Teek. I don't need another player to tell me what I did wrong. I know what I did wrong, and that is frankly thinking I would have support from players on my team to try and do something "Positive" to impact the world. They play the same game as me. Read the same lore as me. And yet...nothing. The State of the Lost Lands should be enough to give even a Corvite pause. Yes, I expect others to share Teeks view, because frankly if they don't, I feel they are blind.

You know how it would have ended had Teek somehow single handedly cleared a Bandit Fort? Anger that he did. Possibly attack on him to see how strong he is. Still disparaging his character because that's what people do, all because I went ahead with something against the flow and they were not included. You knew what I was told when People started getting on board? "I should have told them the plan". You know what the plan is? The exact same thing it has been all along: Go in, clear the Bandit fort. I could not make it any clearer then if I was Ice-Cube in 21 jump street. Motivation? I'M PAYING YOU. I'm not even relying on a characters moral sense of obligation! I HAVE COIN, I WILL PAY YOU. No one even bothered asking how much. THAT is my point.

I challenge any player to do better. To play a Templar and Wyrvardyn and do better. I hear people cry all the time about how playing a morally "evil" character is hard. About all the restrictions and things and yadda yadda yadda. Roll a Wyrvardn. See how hard it is to try and drag the Lost lands out of the gutter. Good luck to em.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Dakhal »

Playing an evil character is easy- for me. I do whatever the hell I want and people respond to it. Usually I win, simply because I play my cards correctly.

Evil characters tend to see very little reward for what they do, however. People tend to get segregated and are not welcome in other events, and thus can gain nothing beneficial from attending.. short of massacring the 'good' side, only for the force that they were fighting to immediately turn and kill the said 'evil' character.

People don't want to change things for a majority of reasons.. for the most part, it's laziness. Sad and pitifully true, it's because people don't want to invest into something. From my observations, people just don't particularly like Teek, so money bribes aren't going to usually work when the question is "Should I risk my life and time for a person that I don't like, for a mere financial reward?" and this is before factoring in that people should be considering each of their deaths to potentially be their last.

People tend to only follow people that they like. If Alexander were to spearhead this, he would easily have a following without a doubt.

I'm not saying that you're wrong in this Teek, merely that political relations is an important part of gaining the aide of others.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by artus »

For the sense of "what I see Teek the character":
What does lost land know about teek? Actually, what do people know about teek? He loves brute force of course! And the common sense is using brute force is not gonna get anything further as much as you expect it to be. And it seems like that plan would probably sound like that, to call out hey I need someone to clear this dam area out! I'll pay! And then gather as many people as possible, go in and kill kill kill. That's actually the possibility of what people think of Teek by his general behavior, which is honestly "brash, angry and wild". I say it from what I recieved and what I noticed myself ic. Sorry in advance if there's something wrong.

From lore : we all know lost land is the place of god knows what. People outside even try to forget about it. and even people in lost land have that fear as well, although violence is what they face d daily. Mechanically, undyings can't die, lorely, undying will never know when they'll die for good. So even undyings fear to die.

Back when I tried to close the dark burrow. In comparation to the fort, it's small village vs an army, and we could barely did it. Destroying those in the fort is like trying to take down small haiban.

And the fact that almost totally got Artus to stay out of this run, not to say others who're not him, was tha fact that Teek has something to do with rabbles. What if they get in the pass? What if they try to take over the fort and charge people like they used to? That's one point of it ic.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Dorn »

Lun wrote: To my knowledge, no one ever used the Fortress as a casual hunting ground. The Fortress is like a town, full of guards and things that want you dead because you're invading their home. It's like attacking Haiban.
Used to be one of my favourite places to hunt myself.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Teek »

Dakhal wrote:People tend to only follow people that they like. If Alexander were to spearhead this, he would easily have a following without a doubt.

I'm not saying that you're wrong in this Teek, merely that political relations is an important part of gaining the aide of others.
Another good point. Teek does not do politics. Teek does not care that people like him. Unfortunately, I do, because I am human, and have not figured out how to purge myself of emotions. And considering his background, I think it is totally reasonable that he does not play politics. Karnath is a country where people don't trust big gubment, and stick to their own farms and towns except for the occasional shindig. When something bad happens, there is no committee, a fella gets his gun and puts it to rights. When the Threshers felt wronged, they did not just sit it down and let it go, they went off and got justice for themselves, right or wrong.

You know what I think? People don't like Teek because he hates playing the morally neutral card everyone is about in CLOK. Personally, I hate it as well, but maybe it's because of the small playerbase. People want to have fun, interact with each other, etc. Teek even has to hold hid anger at folks he would rather just put a spear through in the name of "Politics" and "Better future relationships" and even then I rage against that. Yes, Teek has a relationship with the rabble. He hates them. Anyone who knows Teek knows that. Problem is, if no one will help Teek with a problem, he's going to make a deal with the devil to get it done.

Being a Wyrvardn is not as simple as "Being a Templar without light magic". Our restrictions are less, allowing for more freedom to accomplish goals no one else seems willing to do. I hate having to bribe, and beg, and plead, to get people to do the right thing. I hate it IRL, I hate it in CLOK. People are always chasing a reward. How about there is no reward, and people get off their ass to do the right thing...because it's the right thing? Another reason Teek is not a Templar. The concept of right action leads to a reward is not what he is about. Do good because it's the right thing to do, not because you expect something out of it. That is Teek.

Either way, if I keep playing Teek, the end result will be Teek not being the character he is supposed to be. There is too much bleed through between my OOC thoughts and IC actions. "These ungrateful bastards deserve whatever the Lost Lands give them" Is a repeating thought, and one I am not sure should be.

Unfortunately, despite how much I hate things atm, I am more enraged at the fact that Hours of my time on this character would go to waste because I'm hating how people are. The "story" of CLOK keeps my interest, more then anything else, despite my thoughts and feelings on characters. This Bandit Fort thing? It's going to be epic. I wanna be apart of that. I just loathe the fact that it took a GM dangling candy in front of people to get people interested. I think it speaks volumes about character's, and maybe about people in general, and that makes me sad. :(
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by gralkik »

Teek wrote:Being a Wyrvardn is not as simple as "Being a Templar without light magic". Our restrictions are less, allowing for more freedom to accomplish goals no one else seems willing to do. I hate having to bribe, and beg, and plead, to get people to do the right thing. I hate it IRL, I hate it in CLOK. People are always chasing a reward. How about there is no reward, and people get off their ass to do the right thing...because it's the right thing? Another reason Teek is not a Templar. The concept of right action leads to a reward is not what he is about. Do good because it's the right thing to do, not because you expect something out of it. That is Teek.:(

I am Sorry, I am more than tired of the OOC ranting and complaining. I put my best efforts into my own character being a wyrvardn. I look at my skills, goals and objectives, then I look at yours. Oooh, look at that. They're not yours? TO FRAKING BAD. -- Now that is off my chest...

Rewards come in all shapes in sizes. Some are not seen, and some are seen. A man who does good, just to get "rewarded" gets rewarded by his own lusts for reward. Weather that is praise or glory for himself or coin flowing into his purse. Then there is the kind of man you doesn't seek glory or fame. He acts for the good of all, never seeking a reward that be stolen from another. -Many- are not even aware of this reward. This kind of reward is sought after by the humble heart. Yes, it involves carefull deliberation of his own actions. And not always will that character be so hell bent on a fools errand. But, in the end, "at the end of the day" he can look back on his own actions and be able to smile at his achievements and accomplishments.

I am seriously offended by your remarks, Teek, regarding the Wyrvardn. But, I'll it in stride and ingore the better of it. And keep doing what I feel is best for me to do right now. I play the diplomat... when the need arises. I don't make everything out to be some form of attack or threat that needs to be "squashed". I look at situations carefully and see what can be done. Does it pose a threat to the security of the land, or is there a way to use it to help to keep the land "safe". And I'll be frank, I almost sure I don't care for your opinion on your thoughts, about my thoughts and how i should look at things. And I won't ever, care for anothers thoughts with a very poor overbearing attitude. -- I apologize, but this is stepping over the bounds of the IC/OOC of the situation.

Now, lets all take a very deep, deep breath then slowly exhale. And better orchestrate how to actually going about this event. Instead of critical remarks, lets objectively put ideas together to see how this can be pulled together and describe ideas and thoughts how this can all be accomplished.

Thank you,
have a good day.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Vitello »

Teek, you're passionate about the game which is admirable; but that passion mixed with frustration and disappointment is manifesting in a negative fashion. I would advise letting some things slide and not take some things so personally.
You know what I think? People don't like Teek
Do you mean characters or players?

because he hates playing the morally neutral card everyone is about in CLOK. Personally, I hate it as well,
I've been there before. Stewing in the outpost wondering why I bothered to 'go evil' and sit in (at the time) a poorly maintained subpar town that lacked what was standard in the other cities, just so everyone can be neutral and happy friendly. I got passed it after a while. Standing for something and 'drawing a line in the sand' divides. Personally I'd rather have rp over great ideals that lead me to solitude
Either way, if I keep playing Teek, the end result will be Teek not being the character he is supposed to be.
I would argue 'originally intended' would be better wording. The point of rp is a character reacting to a world, not a world behaving in a pattern to allow for a specific character. Maybe Teek should just say screw it all. Playing Teek the way you are now is obviously upsetting you.
I just loathe the fact that it took a GM dangling candy in front of people to get people interested. I think it speaks volumes about character's, and maybe about people in general, and that makes me sad. :(
That is a bit insulting. You're new so you haven't seen the number of people that tried to do things just like this, gathered interested people, but the whole idea flopped because at the time staff just couldn't do it. Consider that a whole 4 days notice, with no actual set time of when this event was supposed to happen doesn't allow for everyone to jump on board. I've known rpers that wait weeks to a month to get a scene rped and move forward a plot.
Dude that is childish and invalidating. If you need to resort that kind of behavior just bow out of the conversation.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by gralkik »

Vitello wrote:
Dude that is childish and invalidating. If you need to resort that kind of behavior just bow out of the conversation.
Hi Vitello,
There was a point and a purpose to the
followed by the explaination of
Gralkik wrote:I am Sorry, I am more than tired of the OOC ranting and complaining. I put my best efforts into my own character being a wyrvardn. I look at my skills, goals and objectives, then I look at yours. Oooh, look at that. They're not yours? TO FRAKING BAD.
In a manner of speaking, I pointedly displayed my annoyance and complete aggravated opinion on the matter. There was nothing
Vitello wrote: childish
to it. I, was hoping to get a point across. And that point was that it is getting to tiring to always hearing the same rant over and over and over and over. And that it is more or less coming off blatant complaining and very OOC. You got beefs IC, keep them IC. You are annoyed and aggrevated OOC, don't rant and complain about it OOC, what is IC. Nobody want's to hear complaints OOC what is going on or, not going on, IC.
Maybe I am wrong in my opinions. But, I'll be clear. Don't ever think I'll sit back and allow it IC or OOC what I feel to be demeaning of who I am. -- That is all.
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Re: The Bandit Fort Crusade!

Post by Tamsin »

Maybe you should start reevaluating how you approach fun in this game. If your fun depends on other people doing what you want them to do, you're going to be disappointed as you've obviously already encountered.

Characters have their own motivations and own perception of the world around them, just like people in the real world. In character frustration when meeting a wall against the things you want to accomplish is to be expected, but why complain at people about their characters oocly? Why is it so wrong for people to play the game the way they enjoy it to the extent they can?

Personally I agree with Vitello about the "GM dangling candy" remark, it's somewhat insulting. I had no idea about potential GM involvement, and even if I did, my character makes decisions based on her relations with the In Character world around her, and sometimes it will end up with non-participation in potential events on her part, and sometimes she will assist where she sees fit. Due to the quality of most roleplay I've seen on Clok, I'm going to have to assume that a lot of people take this sort of thing into consideration as well.

As well, people who point out what they don't like about Teek in character are playing their roles, in character, as much as you are playing your own role. I have no issues with you or your character on a player level and even think it's a bold choice the way you decided to make your character. Just because characters aren't impressed with your character's behavior doesn't mean people are out to get you or something. I'm not sure what anyone can do if in character criticism of your character bothers you so much.

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