Paying to sculpt?

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Paying to sculpt?

Post by clayton »

paying to sculpt?

What's this with having to pay fifty riln to use the backroom of that pottery barn? Why would people go in for that?
It's like, having to pay 50 riln to take your logs to the sawmill and saw them up into cants and flitches.
Or it would be like, taking your pelts from a hunt to the tanning building, and paying 50 riln to tan them and turn them into leather or fur.
Why would people pay for something like that?
It's not like that riln is going towards anything useful.
Since pottery hasn't even been fully implemented yet, and since I doubt that the markets except completed works, you won't even be compensated for that 50 riln.
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Re: Paying to sculpt?

Post by Rithiel »

A better question is "Why would business allow people to use their resources free of charge?"
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Re: Paying to sculpt?

Post by Karasi »

So now are the tanner shops, workyards for smelting, forage areas with anvils and such, all going to charge?
In my oppinion, it should be all or none. They either need to all charge a flat fee, or nothing at all. And I have to admit, the clay barn is where I least expected it, because all you're using material-wise is a table and a rack, whereas with forging, you're using an anvil, or a forge, or other such equipment that could potentially get damaged.

So my question is: what is the end result? Because if only clay workers have to charge, in my humble oppinion, it seems rather pointless. And that's the tactful version.
That said, I do like the pottery implementation, and I look forward to seeing more changes and more coding for it and other crafts in the future.
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Re: Paying to sculpt?

Post by Rithiel »

Karasi wrote:So now are the tanner shops, workyards for smelting, forage areas with anvils and such, all going to charge?
In my opinion, it should be all or none.
I'm of the same opinion (the answer to your question is, "Yes").
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Re: Paying to sculpt?

Post by Rias »

Pretty much any craft where you're using facilities that someone else constructed, I think there should be a small fee for. I don't think people should be going bankrupt over it, but I don't like the concept of using public facilities for free, when these facilities were constructed and are maintained by others.

At the same time, hopefully we don't stick to the "you pay every single time you go in, so if you forgot something the first time, sucks to be you, gotta pay again." Maybe pay and get a little slip or something that grants you access to the facility for X amount of time before having to pay again, during which you could leave and come back multiple times.

I can't speak for pottery, but with the other crafting tables like a jewelcrafter's table or a leatherworking table, it's not just a blank empty table that you work on - it's assumed to be stocked with various small tools and components that are required to do the work involved.
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Re: Paying to sculpt?

Post by Kiyaani »

Will these things be moved to separate areas then? Currently some work areas share space with the 'store' part of the building.
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Re: Paying to sculpt?

Post by Rias »

Or they could have an annoying NPC hanging around that says "HEY! Your hand isn't stamped, step away from the worktable!"

This isn't a high priority (for me at least), I'm working on ...


(Note: Do not turn this into a death mechanics thread - start a new one if you wish to discuss.)
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