Pottery Ability Tree and Recipes:

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Pottery Ability Tree and Recipes:

Post by Squeak »

Pottery Suggestion List:

There seems to be some interest in pottery making from the few people I’ve spoken to about it, so … here’s a suggestion regarding all things pottery, including a suggested ability tree. For a skill that’s been around for such a long time, it’s largely underutilized in games which is a shame since it’s such a fantastically useful skill. From making simple household items to much more involved molds, there’s a huge opportunity in the skill that’s unrealized. I understand that, in Cogg, with skills being locked by levels, it’s usefulness was limited, but in Clok - Whew. It could be something phenomenal, in time. Not all these suggestions are my own; I’ve scoured the BBS (Both Clok’s and Cogg’s) and asked around. Credit due will be given to those individuals whose ideas I’ve used here.

The Proposed Ability Tree:

Basic Pottery (0 to 100) ⇒ Advanced Pottery Methods (100-500) ⇒ Lost Wax Casting (500+)

A simple three ability tree, I think, should suffice to make a large variety of things. I think that this is acceptable, in my own opinion, as the skill is deceptively simple with advanced techniques getting outside of the realm of simply molding wet clay.

For Basic Pottery recipes, the stuff that anyone can do to train the skill up, we have the following:

Code: Select all

Stoppers, caps, or jar lids		 0 skill needed			 x1 tempered clay
Buttons (x10)				 0 skill needed			 x1 tempered clay
Beads (x10)				 0 skill needed			 x1 tempered clay
Brick					 15 skill points		 x1 tempered clay
Cup					 20 skill points	         x1 tempered clay
Plate					30 skill points			x1 tempered clay
Bowl					50 skill points			x3 tempered clay
Sling bullet				75 skill points			x1 tempered clay
Bangle (bracelet)			80 skill points			x1 tempered clay
Ring					90 skill points			x1 tempered clay 
These ten recipes should keep someone working up to 100 points in the pottery skill. It’s nothing flashy, of course, and there’s some reasoning behind the increasing difficulty. Sling bullets being near the highest is only because, to me, it’d require a steady hand to create an oblong, football-shaped stone with the right aerodynamic properties to function properly.

For Advanced Pottery Recipes, I’d like the ability to include some sort of modification command that gives basic adjectives and suffixes to crafted goods. I’m not sure how that would look; perhaps a pre-selected table of adjectives? A 50 character, free-form modification? I’m just not sure how it could work. Or, would it be better to have a selection of adjectives AND the ability to paint and/or stamp the works? Or?

Regardless, here are some advanced recipes for the skill:

Code: Select all

Mug					100 skill points		x1 tempered clay
Ashtray (For Uncle Z)			100 skill points		x2 tempered clay
Charms (jewelry)			115 skill points		x1 tempered clay
Jug					125 skill points		x3 tempered clay
Small Jar				125 skill points		x2 tempered clay
Teacup					175 skill points		x1 tempered clay
Large Jar				200 skill points		x10 tempered clay
Pipe Bowl*				250 skill points		x1 tempered clay
Pipe Stem*				275 skill points		x1 tempered clay
Ocarina				         300 skill points		  x2 tempered clay
Small Mold				350 skill points		x1 tempered clay
Teapot					400 skill points		x3 tempered clay
Lamp					450 skill points		x2 tempered clay
*Denotes something that needs to be [attached] to one another before the product is complete.

And so, we’ve come to the end of the Advanced Recipes for now. I’m sure there are more out there that I’m not thinking of, but it’s a start. And it also brings us to the premier ability for potters, Lost Wax Casting, otherwise known as investment casting. For this final ability for pottery, I don’t think it really needs to have any additional recipes. I’m sure any capable potter at this point can make just about anything that comes to mind.

Lexx, over in the Cogg BBS suggested this(https://cogg.contrarium.net/bbs/viewtop ... tery#p3584), and I think at this point in the potter’s career, it would be very feasible for them to have a skilled hand at making intricate wax figurines, totems, sculptures, weapon parts, intricate jewelry, etc, to have them as a target for [molds], with additional modifiers. Due to the intrinsic detail which can be done through investment casting, I could see it being very feasible for a potter of this caliber to be able to make quality molds, which, in turn, have the possibility of producing quality products when cast. I think the only real addition to this would need a fire source or a kiln to melt the wax. Being molds, I think these should also be limited resources - personally, I’m of the opinion these should be one or two use items only. On second thought, I think the ability to make large molds would fit in pretty well with this area … so:

Code: Select all

Large Mold				550 skill points		x10 tempered clay
As consideration for some adjectives that can be used for such an endeavor:

Height Modifiers:


Shape Modifiers:


Texture Modifiers:


Pre-Set Suffix Modifiers:

with a fluted edge
edged in trefoils
edged in quatrefoils
emblazoned with a vast sun
impressed with a coydog silhouette
sporting grim tentacles in relief
boasting a cartouche with a woman in a narrow rowboat
with palmettes framing a blazing torch

To make this beginning article, I had a ton of help from the one and only, Queen of (lima) Beans, Zombilicious herself. Lexx had some great articles from previously that I’ve added and a post by Alila was also used for inspiration. From Discord, I want to thank Chariot, Spidercat, Zeldryn and Northpaw for their additions as well.

If anyone has any other suggestions for adjectives, suffix modifiers, anything! POST! If we take all the hard work of coming up with stuff, maybe Rias and Team can put it in faster! WHOO!

A few additional notes that I’d like to add that … sort of apply. Flatware plates, unlike bowls, cannot fit a single item on them or inside them. It would be kind of strange to put things IN them, but I’d like to request that they, and all plates, can put up to three things of small size in/on them. For RP purposes (I want to have picnics). Secondly, I’d like to also request that brass and red-brass be included as weapon-part castable materials. Being a copper alloy, much as bronze is, it is far stronger than copper itself and should avail itself in much the same applications. Perhaps not forgeable, to give some distinction, but it’d be nice to be able to make things out of the stuff instead of it only (mostly) being market fodder. And since red-brass is also called gunmetal in some parts of the world … well, I’m sure you can see where this is going. Please bring back firearm crafting and casting firearms parts (out of brass and red-brass!).

Edited for formatting.
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Re: Pottery Ability Tree and Recipes:

Post by ydia »

I love this. I miss pottery. I hope we can work with pottery soon.
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You overhear the bartender exclaim to a patron, "What do you mean, you just want water?! Fine, fine ... but you'd better at least buy something to eat."
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