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New Beginnings!

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:18 am
by Alila
I would like to start with Alila is not leaving. Prooomise!
Buuut, she will be going away for a little while: maybe a month or three, maybe a little longer. It has been the most amazing experience, starting Clok with this character knowing almost nothing about the world and all of you beautiful talented incredible people who inhabit it and bring it to life, and learning so much about all of you, Clok, about Alila, and about myself. And as amazing as it all has been, maybe it is time for a break.
Not from clok, of course, but from Alila. I love her to pieces, but there are so many more stories I would love to tell and experience! And I will admit to have tried in the past and failing because I love Alila so much. She is the best and my worst, all shaken up in a little bottle and spilled unknowingly into the world. She is a heavy dark muffling blanket. She is my fog and my snow. She is so many things, and I want to be able to find the emotional and mental space to pour myself into something new and exciting and hopefully fun for everyone. This is a promise and a demand, maybe more to myself than to any of you.
Thank you, all of you, for shaping and being shaped by Alila; I hope you have been loving and enjoying Clok, and that somewhere, sometime, your day was made a little better for writing together.
It will be super exciting to meet all of you again!
And if you find yourself missing Alila, I can only promise you are not alone. There is still story left in her, and she will be back eventually, even if maybe not in the capacity of an only or primary character. For now, this is thank you and goodbye and hello: to more stories and new adventures!

Re: New Beginnings!

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:23 am
by Liani
i'm sure that many will echo this sentiment, but I'll miss her being around. with that said, however, I can't wait to see what's in store for us all and for you on your new adventures! Rp stuff with you is super great, and I know you've made the world of CLOK better by being in it. have fun!

Re: New Beginnings!

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:30 am
by Kiyaani
Aww. I'll definitely miss Alila, but I look forward to meeting your new character(s) and I'm glad to hear you're sticking around :)

Re: New Beginnings!

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:34 am
by Sneaky
You've been such a great player, and Alila will obviously be missed. Surely a party or something will be organized when she returns! I'm excited for whoever you bring us next.