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Thank you!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:35 am
by Alila
Just wanted to drop a quick thank you note to Aurelia for being a wonderful person, putting up with a nerd like me, and roleplaying amazingly.
Oh and elemancers for being cool and the mud for being an interesting place, of course.
Also, the Octum Festival is simply beautiful. All the descriptions and concepts and lore--a strange mirror of reality with just enough setting-relevant spice to keep it fresh and new--makes me a happy player.
So maybe this turned into more than just a quick note, but thanks anyway!

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:05 pm
by Lun
To add to this, actually, thank YOU, Alila!

It's so infrequent to have someone actually play the situation where you met Allen the way you did. I loved every moment of it.

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:10 am
by Alila

Looks like the last thread here is still mine, so I figured I’d add to it rather than make a whole new one. I had a beautifully bittersweet time with everyone today, and I just wanted to say thank you so much. It’s incredible how things just spiralled into a plot point connecting to the bigger storyline—like a big beautiful spider web! I literally got chills from some of those gm-motes. Thank you to the gms for making Alila break down and adding to an increasingly intricate plot, thank you to Zoe, Zeldryn, Zorander—wow all those z names—and everyone else involved! I’ve never had such a wonderful time rping before and I can’t think of more wonderful people to rp with. Clok is the best, strange spider obsession and all.

Also, while I’m here, I really appreciate how amazing descriptions are. I was a little jealous of Alila when she got her super pretty outfit because I have nothing that fancy and those masks are everything I imagined and so much more. Also, the community here is so incredibly nice and friendly about bugs—I know that it maybe sounds like a minor thing, but you would be surprised.

One last thing, because I realized I didn't mention it, and I wanted to mention it: have I talked about my favoritest command ever? It's nominate. Nominate! I do my best to nominate everyone I have more than five minutes of interaction with, because it's such a great feeling to be able to reward someone for just being a lovely writing partner. Go forth and nominate! Spread the cheer!

Thank you!

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:12 pm
by Zeldryn
Alila, you’re great. As is your character. Thanks yourself for always keeping things interesting! Always love the RP with you.