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Thanks, guys!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:36 pm
by Zahrah
I want to thank everyone who came out tonight and made an appearance! It was great. I'm tickled pink you lot managed to keep yourselves entertained for three hours straight.

The RP was great and awesome and wonderful and I could gush for quite a while over it all. I know I'd miss someone if I tried to give everyone who came a shoutout, but I'd like to give a few all the same!

Thank you, Vestyn, for coming to play. I hope you feel better after being all sick. Some of your NPCs really made me laugh tonight and the setup for the party was great and perfect. Zahrah was happy. I'm happy. I'd bake you cookies if I could. Thank you also to Uyoku for being so willing to step in and help out. I really appreciate it! (And I'd bake you cookies, too. With edible glitter on them).

A quick shoutout to Ambrose and Saeda for leaving the party and doing their civic duty!

A shoutout to Hakon for concocting Funniest Emote 2017 (which I posted in the humor thread because that made me giggle for reals).

A shoutout to Islet and Dallia for regaling us all with nerdy game time. You two were adorable.

Another quick shoutout to Hakon and Sotek for manly arm wrestling time. It was a fun little aside and made me snort IRL.

And a final shoutout to Pilnor for being the only person to comment on Zahrah's outfit for the evening, thus ensuring her Nuumic ego stays properly inflated. You do the lord's work, sir.

(But seriously, thank you everyone who came out and played tonight! It was a blast and I can't wait to start planning my next IC event!)

Re: Thanks, guys!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:46 pm
by Hakon
Thanks for cooking this up. It was a good break from the grind and otherwise more 'stressful' RP.

And glad to make you laugh! I like being a joker more than anything; no matter how serious I try to RP a character I always revert to trying to be humorous.

Looking forward to whatever is next.

Re: Thanks, guys!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:00 pm
by Zahrah
Hakon wrote:Thanks for cooking this up.
I see what you did there.

Re: Thanks, guys!

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:34 am
by Kiyaani
Thanks for hosting. It was a fun time.