When stuff happens because of players

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When stuff happens because of players

Post by Rias »

This is kind of a shotgun shout-out. A shout-out to the people who do stuff on their own initiative, not necessarily because GM events encouraged them to, but because it was what they wanted their character to do.

I know it isn't always obvious, so I wanted to come out and say that one fun (at least, I thought it was fun) event happened today 100% due to what a player had been up to lately, completely on their own. I'm not sure if they realize the connection as it was a rather vague connection, but it's another example of something that never would have happened without a player character taking some kind of initiative and causing something to happen. A few other player choices, though not knowing, caused additional neat stuff to happen that I hope gets shared eventually.
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When stuff happens because of GMs

Post by lin »

This is kind of a specific shout-out. A shout-out to the GMs who pick up on stuff players initiate, and do cool things with it - not necessarily because it was encouraged by a GM event, but because they went and thought, "Oh, this player is doing stuff of their own initiative that could be cool to expand upon."
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