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Belated Shoutout to Vaylon

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:03 am
by fawna
To Vaylon:

Thanks a bunch for putting up with my heckawkard RP. I've played plenty a MUD in the past few years, but they were mostly hack n' slash style, and didn't have much of an RP scene, so you're actually the first person I've RPed with in this particular medium. It was shaky for me, since I'm not used to that kind of thing, but you handled it with grace, even when I got attacked by that dingdang dog.

Also sorry for skippin' out at random. I was in class at the time, and had to switch bells.

Soooo yeah! Thanks a buncharoonie. At some point I'll hafta repay that drink.

Catch ya on the flip side.
