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Many Shout-Outs

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:30 pm
by Alexander
Jilliana, Lalora, Kiyaani, Lae and later Gad as well with our misadventure tonight. It was a particular joy to work on things together with fellow Church members, as happens all too infrequently. I am hoping this will become more common.

There was something enjoyable about Lae's roleplaying along with the weakened state that results from casting the Soul Beacon spell and bringing another back to life. Something about sitting in a small group, huddled by a campfire at night out in the cold while Lae recuperated, was highly enjoyable.

Jilliana, it is great to have a fellow Templar around, and one who is willing to work together on tasks, even those that are far beyond your skill level when I ask for company or assistance. More importantly, it is great to have another Templar around who is willing to spend the time to simply talk, and discuss various concerns and issues.

Similar to Jaster (whom I have sorely missed, let it be said), Lalora often brings out a certain lightening of Alexander's character, causing him to be more casual than normal. Even if it is so slight that it may not be apparent to others, it is good for me to know that Alexander can on occasion tap into his more relaxed and casual side. It was fun to "tempt her with the shiny", as she put it, by offering to let her use the celestium sword against the nethrim she apparently so hates to fight.

Kiyaani always brings an interesting contrast with her, and of course the melodrama which causes the CLOK to turn.

Gad as always is ever-ready to face danger, boldly stride into the next battle, and compete with Kiyaani at stirring the drama pot.

Lastly but not least, my brief interaction with Octavia was excellent, and I regret that I had to rush its conclusion in order to log off, as I had a meeting to attend. I now strive to attain her mastery of speech and tone, though perhaps not her sass.