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For everyone? Sure, why not?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:49 pm
by jilliana
Here's for horn tooting!
First off, I'm very impressed with the level of roleplay that goes on on Clok. You all have truly challenged me and it's nice to see players take their roleplay seriously without being obsessed about it, or at least not seeming so to me. I also like how people initiate roleplay and don't expect others to do all the work.
Secondly, I am very impressed of how easy events tend to run and how everyone seems to cooperate seemlessly without losing their IC personalities alogn the way. I guess that's a testament to how mature the players are.
Thirdly, I love how newbs are treated. Everyone has patience enough to let newer players work their way through things slowly.
Lastly but certainly not leastly...the GM's. Two thumbs up guys!

Re: For everyone? Sure, why not?

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:06 am
by Godfrey
You, Jill, also deserve a congratulations, because your roleplay is simply amazing. Not to mention that you actually do accept all of my roleplay invitations and IC suggestions. No matter what time it is, you always have time for a little roleplay. And that's great because I'm not always in the mood for roleplay, but when I am, I know you'll most likely oblige. You also keep in character. I don't know what you're typically like in real life, but I certainly know what Jilliana is like in Clok. You also somehow manage to keep me in check with Godfrey's personality. I've gotten so used to playing Godfrey recently that I've almost forgotten what Alara's personality is supposed to be like! Thanks for the amazing RP Jill!