Some RP Shout-Outs!

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Some RP Shout-Outs!

Post by Zahrah »

I really just wanted to take the time to thank a few people for always making an effort to RP with my character. I've always enjoyed CLOK as a grindy MUD, but one of my biggest complaints when I was playing before was that there was a general lack of RP; in my experience playing here a few years ago, few people made an effort or took the time away from grinding skills to play with each other.

So I was very pleasantly surprised when I logged on after my long hiatus to be suddenly caught up in two RP scenes back-to-back. It was super fun and helped remind me of how much I always loved playing this character. So a big thank you to both Talyn and Quintin for grabbing me right after I logged back in for the first time in ages and helping me to feel welcome and engaged.

I also want to give a shout-out to Zeldryn and Dorn as well. To the former: thank you for always being super detailed with your emotes and your says and giving me lots of interesting plot to engage with. And to the latter: well. I've definitely missed the big, scary Harbinger. So it's great getting to interact with you again.

Thanks to all four of you guys for always making time to RP with me! It's been super fun so far and I've really appreciated all the effort that's been made.
[FROM Zeldryn (OOC)]: You're a fucking amazing RPer. +1000

Dorn bluntly asks, "And does it appear I have a wagon in my pocket?"
You quip, "It would honestly not surprise me if you did."

You notice a horribly disfigured squirrel quietly scanning the area while attempting to appear nonchalant about it.
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Re: Some RP Shout-Outs!

Post by Math321 »

Aww! Thank you, Zahrah! It's great to know that you're enjoying yourself - I've definitely enjoyed the RP as well! Grinding is fun and all, but having those human interactions, small or large, makes the patience worth it - and your roleplaying has been some of the most engaging thus far.

You're always quite detailed with your emotes/speeches/tones, as well as your overall vocabulary and personality. Your attention to detail has pushed me to improve my own. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what comes next!
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Quintin, the Artisan.
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Re: Some RP Shout-Outs!

Post by Zeldryn »

The above post pretty much hits the nail on the head. Isn't much that can be said beyond all that one.

I appreciate good RP-- your RP is good rp! So, thank you. Glad to have been able to contribute to the character, and to have an extra ton of things to think about in terms of plot and whatnot. Glad to hear it's been fun for you-- because it's definitely been fun for me.
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Re: Some RP Shout-Outs!

Post by Talyn »

Thanks for the shout-out! Also no problem as well for grabbing you. The game is great, definitely one of the better muds I've played but the rp is something slacking not due to no story but because players usually run off to grind. Glad I was able to help out in some way! See ya in game.
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