Using alts to scout out guilds

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Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by Sneaky »

I'm sure everybody knows what I'm talking about. Though I'm not criticizing people who explore different guilds to find one that fits them, I am criticizing those individuals who are using alts in secret guilds or RP only guilds just to gather information about the inner workings for ooc knowledge. Whether or not they use that ooc knowledge IC is another matter completely, but once ooc knowledge is gained, you're being entrusted to be responsible and not use that knowledge on any other characters. Unfortunately, sometimes it seems as if someone is just logging on their thief, assassin, or rook character just to gather information for their other characters to use. Today an active player who has another well known character logged into one of these guilds, spotted me, and proceeded to ask me if anything had been added to the shops in the guild. I told them no, and they went around and checked for themselves and logged out as soon as they discovered nothing had been changed. This upset me beyond belief. I really don't want this type of behavior to continue, so if you are doing it, please stop. It's easy to say, oh well it happens all the time, it's no big deal if I do it. Well, it is a big deal if you do it, because then others can use that same excuse and pretty soon it's common place, which is the excuse I was given by this player when I confronted them about it.
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Re: Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by Tamsin »

ditto. preserve the integrity of guilds as much as possible. equiptment/ooc knowledge etc. :) don't be cheap!
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Re: Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by Dorn »

Stuff like this is why I detest alts.
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Re: Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by Evelyn »

I'm sure most of us can be adult about such matters and not be lame with the cross over thing. :)
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Re: Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by ironcross32 »

I would hope the same, but, people being what they are, your faith may be a bit misplaced.
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Re: Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by jilliana »

I know this sounds incredibly immersion shattering, but when I see this sort of thing going on and nobody does a thing about it, I do the following...

I go out of my way to not include such people in my RP. Is it fair? No. Not to me nor them, but I say that since they lost the privilege of responsibility and honor to the system in place. Too muc hof this has happened to me. I go out of my way to respect everyone's roleplay, which is why I haven't logged in any of my own alts. If someone doesn't return the courtesy, they get the privilege of limited RP from me. I'd like to think of it as a fair trade.
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Re: Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by Dakhal »

Don't be surprised if I slit your throat when you ignore me!

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Re: Using alts to scout out guilds

Post by Marauder »

jilliana wrote:I go out of my way to not include such people in my RP. Is it fair? No. Not to me nor them, but I say that since they lost the privilege of responsibility and honor to the system in place. Too muc hof this has happened to me. I go out of my way to respect everyone's roleplay, which is why I haven't logged in any of my own alts. If someone doesn't return the courtesy, they get the privilege of limited RP from me. I'd like to think of it as a fair trade.
This much isn't really a feasible response, but there are a few players who don't consider other players when asking the question of "how will this effect RP" as well as players who don't care about others' fun and I've heard many a story about random attacks and people who would try to kill anyone who entered the same room.

As many of these stories I've heard, I've heard none where the player at fault was punished for it by a GM, so maybe it's better to take things into our own hands IC and OOC if necessary.

I don't like responding to pettiness with pettiness, but I have heard a lot of accounts of people doing some slimy stuff to other players based on metagame and other such infractions and getting away with it out of character, but not always in-character as some of these stories have included the offender's plans backfiring in the worst ways.

Granted, I have yet to ask the question of "Do you at least try to report them?" of the effected players, but I also know from experience that reporting doesn't always get something done.
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