Arrow making with Lydia

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Arrow making with Lydia

Post by faylen »

No logs, sorry, and it was pretty simple really, but I still thought this worth a mention.

When I first figured out how to make arrows, I oocly asked a friend for the commands because I couldn't figure them out and I hadn't yet found the topic on the wiki. A few days ago, Lydia asked Faylen IC about arrows, and although they couldn't do it right then, they made arrangements to meet up and go over it later.

Arrow making takes quite a few steps, and I had this picture in my mind of my character demonstrating each step, with Lydia following her lead. That's pretty much exactly what we did, although other characters don't see text for most of the steps when someone else does them, so she had to tell me when she failed or succeeded at each point. Still, it was a lot of fun, and I thought a great rp opportunity based around game mechanics. Yay for crafting! And cheers for Lydia for going along with it rather than just asking for a list of commands like I did when I learned, haha.
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