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Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:04 pm
by Acarin
How about a command to watch someone that allows you to track them when they go into hiding and additionally prevents pickpocketing.

Maybe this could be interrupted by being attacked by someone else, hit with a dirtkick, or otherwise distracted by any number of things including talking directly to someone, being talked to directly by someone other than the person who is being watched, movement of either the target or yourself into a different room, etc.

So for example:

>watch Jaster
You keep a watchful eye on Jaster. What? You don't trust him?

You continue to watch Jaster as he slips into hiding

Jaster slips out of hiding

Jaster says "I hate the watch command."

Thieves could use some shiny new smoke bombs...

-brought to you by Rias' nerf bat.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:20 pm
by Rias
Something like this has been on the list for a while, so I'll get on it.