Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

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Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Zeldryn »

Hey guys!

Sooo. This is a suggestion i've been chewing on for a while. My original plan was to post a bunch of threads like this at once-- but that's clearly not happening, so I'm just going to shoot them out here one at a time as they strike me.

BUT FOR THIS ONE. I NEED YOU!... To help me. Please.

Anyway, we'll get to that. First, i'll explain my idea.

We all like the hunting system. It's neat. I think it's neater than the way it existed in old clok in particular. It's not much, but it's cool the way it functions as now. We all obviously think it'll be even cooler when we can hunt for more things in more places.

Given that....

I think it would offer greater diversity to the hunting system if when you went to hunt, we had the option to hunt in a few different varying capacities. So, these are the hunting categories I think should exist out there when you try to hunt in various areas of the world.

Small Game: Rabbits, squirrels, moles, groundhogs, small things. and the chance for some small birds.

Large Game: Deer, elk, boars, forest cats, pigs, , and other sizeable critters that are tracked differently.

Exotic Game: Special things that are either unique to Aetgard (the game) or that are exceedingly dangerous. Fantasy stuff, or crazy interesting stuff like, say, a koalite. Or a big ol' gator.

Bird Hunting: Birds of all kinds, specifically to the exclusion of all other game.

I don't see the hypothetical options for the system working any differently than flavor messaging changes to indicate a different form of travelling and tracking when hunting. Really, the categories would just effect the results. If you hunted small game-- you'd get exclusively small game options. Large game, large. Etc. Etc.

Why do this?

A: Skinning practice thresholds. Birds could be the easiest, offering a little bit of experience for plucking the feathers and butchering the meat. Small game could be the next step, where you can practice with small skins, and get a little bit more meat, maybe the chance for a little sinew or bone. Large game being the next step, Exotic being the largest challenge.

B: Realism. Small game hunting is easier than hunting large game. Large game hunting is easier still than hunting exotic game. And bird hunting is far different than any of the other options-- you have to walk around and track in a different way.

C: World diversity. The world will feel much more alive with more critters in the miscellanious areas. On top of that, over time, it'll offer more opportunity for clothing, cooking, beast trophies, and more.

D: RP Opportunity! Hunting is fun, especially in groups. People would be able to scout around and see what they can find where, and offer advice on the best hunting practices and locations. It's just another loop of the game we could all lose ourselves in.

I said I needed your help, though. How can you help?

Give us your ideas for animals for all of these different categories. Not just ideas-- but descriptions for them. Proposed numbers, if that's your thing. Places in the world that they could exist, potentially. Different ideas for different hunting things altogether. I'm not a numbers guy. I can write descriptions all day-- but I know a lot of people out there are in the community and eager to help how they can. And this could be a fantastic opportunity for folks to leave their own little piece of themselves in the game to last on through the ages!

So, please give me your feedback. Even better, give me your critter suggestions. Give me color suggestions for their pelts. Give me descriptions for them, and potential things you could skin and butcher from their corpses. Give them sad, sad little eyes that make me feel bad for shooting them for their delicious livers. Tell me where they live, so I know where to find them, and close their sad, sad little eyes for them.

Thanks to everyone as usual! Hope this ends up being of interest!
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Sneaky »

This squirrel is a nimble creature with a bushy tail that curls over its back, sharp claws for climbing, and large, expressive eyes that seem constantly alert. Its fur is a soft (color) with a white underbelly, allowing it to blend into its environment..
Colors: Gray, brown, red-brown, light-brown.
Trophy: Squirrel tail - used to make luxurious neck warmers.
Skills 50 dodge, perception, and stealth.
AI: Focused on escaping rather than fighting. Becomes alerted if hunter is spotted or if threatened, such as when stalking partially alerts the target, or when an attack misses.

This rabbit is a small, furry animal with long ears that twitch at the slightest sound and a short, fluffy tail. Its fur is (color), dappled with hints of gray, providing perfect camouflage against the forest floor.
Colors: Dark-gray, brown, dark-brown, silvery-gray
Trophy: Rabbit's paw - used to make lucky rabbit paws, rub them for good luck.
Skills: 125 dodge, perception, and stealth.
AI: Attempts to escape when threatened.

This dove is a delicate bird with smooth, grayish feathers that shimmer faintly in the light. It has a small, slender body, pointed wings, and a long tail, with a gentle expression in its dark eyes. Its call is a soft coo.
Trophy: long gray feathers - used to make quills prized by scholars and scribes alike for their peaceful symbolism.
skills: 200 dodge, perception, and stealth.
AI: Attempts to escape when threatened.

This male pheasant is a striking bird with iridescent plumage in vibrant greens, blues, and golds. He has a long, pointed tail and red facial wattles that stand out against his colorful feathers.
This female pheasant is subdued in appearance, with mottled brown and tan feathers that provide excellent camouflage in the underbrush. She has a short tail and blends into her surroundings with ease.
Trophy: Iridescent Tail feathers - used for making colorful elegant fans. Only available on males.
Skills: 300 dodge and perception.
AI: Attempts to escape when threatened.

This male duck is a handsome bird with glossy green head feathers, a white neck ring, and a rich chestnut-brown chest. His broad, flat bill is a striking yellow, and his body is sleek and streamlined for swimming.
This female duck is elegantly understated, with mottled brown feathers that help her blend into the reeds and grasses of her natural environment. Her bill is subdued in color, matching the natural hues of her plumage.
Trophy: Down - used for making pillows and bedding.
Skills: 350 dodge and perception, 150 stealth.
AI: Attempts to escape when threatened.

Wild Turkey
This male wild turkey is a large, impressive bird with dark, iridescent feathers that gleam with hints of green and bronze. He has a fan-shaped tail, a bare bluish-gray head, and red wattles on his neck, along with a distinctive beard of feathers on his chest.
This female wild turkey is medium sized, with muted brown feathers that offer excellent camouflage. Her tail is less pronounced, and she lacks the beard and bright wattles that the males have.
Trophy: Colorful tail feathers [ used for the adornment of apparel. Only available from males.
Skills: 400 dodge and perception, 200 stealth.
AI: Attempts to escape when threatened.

Whitetail Deer
Male: This Whitetail buck is a graceful and muscular animal with (color) coat. He has large, branching antlers and a white belly and throat, with a distinctive white tail that he raises as a warning signal.
Female: This whitetail doe, is graceful and slender, with (color) coat. She lacks antlers and has a white underbelly and the characteristic white tail.
Colors: Red-brown, gray in the winter.
Trophy: Antlers - used for various types of handles. Only available off of males.
skill: 500 dodge, perception, and melee. 250 stealth.
AI: Males have a 50/50 chance to attack when threatened or flee instead, females will attempt to escape when threatened.

This male elk is a majestic creature with a tan body, a dark brown mane, and a massive set of antlers that crown his head. He has a robust build, long legs, and a distinctive light-colored rump patch.
This female elk is slightly smaller and lacks the male's impressive antlers. Her coat is the same tan color with a dark mane and light rump patch, and moves with a graceful strength.
Trophy: thick antlers - used for making drinking horns. Only available on males.
skills: 400 dodge. 700 melee and perception. 300 stealth.
AI: Males will attack anything they perceive as a threat. Females will flee when threatened. moderately resistant to blunt, crushing, and piercing damage. Tackles, tramples, and uses antlers to gore.

This male moose is an imposing figure with long legs, a humped shoulder, and a broad, overhanging snout. He sports massive, palmate antlers that spread wide from his head, and his dark brown coat is thick and shaggy.
This female moose is large and imposing, but lacks antlers. She has long legs, a humped shoulder, and a broad snout, with a dark and shaggy coat.
Trophy: Moose hooves - used for making moose hoof goblets
skills: 400 dodge. 900 melee.
AI: Will attack when threatened. Increased stamina reserves, heavily resistant to all types of damage. Tackles and tramples. Males have a powerful horn attack that does puncture damage.

Black Bear
This male black bear is a sturdy, stocky animal with a thick, glossy black coat that shines in the light. He has rounded ears, a short tail, and powerful limbs, with an air of quiet strength.
This female black bear is large and robust, with thick, glossy black fur and rounded ears. Her movements are more cautious, ever alert to dangers that would threaten her young.
Trophy: claws - Used for making jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, believed to grant the wearer's strength.
skills: 900 dodge and melee. 500 stealth.
AI: Will attack anyone or anything nearby. Moderately resistant to all damage types, increased stamina and increased health. Becomes enraged after every hit/attack, has a mighty swing for its claws, tackles, tramples, and has a devastating bite attack that punctures.
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Sneaky »

I'm not sure how bird calls and other animal calls might play into the hunting system. I was thinking about the use of ability points, but that might be too heavy an investment. At any rate, it could open up another way of hunting along with baiting and trapping. Maybe it could just be its own ability that allows the player to lure various types of critters using calls or bait depending. Such tactics would require patience, but would have the added benefit of not wasting energy trying to track down prey.
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Xanthe »

Perhaps there could be specific bird call whistles of a limited quantity at a festival.

Gaur: Mammal, Bovidae
Habitat: Jungle.
maximum size: 10 ft. 10 in. long, 7 ft. 3 in. tall
coat colors- different shades of brown and browny black
(Think a bulked up bison or cow. They're known as indian bison)

Large and bulky, this gaur has a short coat over its back and upper legs with white socks down to its hooves. Its muscles bulge in its back and haunches and its horns each curve upward and above its head to form a crescent. It has a medium-length dark tail.

behavior: Will attack when threatened. Non-domesticated.
High stealth, melee and dodge. Similar to but higher than a bison.
Trophy: Horns, skins for leather working, lots of meat.
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Squeak »

A [speckled, variegated, dappled] [brownish-olive, black and tan, drab green] caiman
On the smallish size, these fearsome beasts stand on stubby legs and are liberally covered with small, rigid scales and ridges along its back. A long maw filled with rows of sharp teeth are perfect for rending and tearing flesh.

Habitat: Along rivers
Size: Approx. 8 feet long, produces medium-sized hides for leatherworking
Specials: Aggressive when threatened. Puncturing bites. Tend to roll when a bite lands to knock prey prone.

Trophies: Skulls and teeth.

Exotic: A immense black caiman
Same as above, with the exception of a special attack that attempts to drag their prey into a nearby water tile, if present. Produces large sized hides for leatherworking.

A sinuous [red-banded, mottled-brown, green, iridescent-black] [serpent,viper]
Narrow bodied and serpentine in its movements, this [serpent,viper] moves with undeniable grace. A mouthful of sharp fangs, usually bared wide when threatened, gives this creature a fearsome appearance.

Habitat: Plains, forests, and along rivers
Size: Approximately three feet long, produces medium sized hides for leatherworking
Specials: Aggressive when threatened, high stealth, venomous.

Exotic: A massive mottled-green anaconda
Size: Massive. Produces large-sized hides for leatherworking.
Special: Non-venemous bite, but has a chance to grapple and constrict. May attempt to drag prey into a nearby water tile.
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Xanthe »

Black Guillemot
type: Seabird, Habitat, along cliffs near the ocean/sea
colors: Murky black, speckled white, white-winged
size: 30-32cm in length, medium sized seabird weight: 320-485 g
Appearance: This mid-sized bird has a curved neck and black eyes with a short, turned-up tail. Its feet and legs are a crimson-orange color.
Reaction to others near it or attacking it: Flies away or dives underwater
Clumsy walking on ground but can fly or dive at great speeds.
Trophy: feathers, meat

(southern) [tan] [grey] hairy-nosed wombat
Habitat: Lives in semi-arid grasslands and woodlands.
Class: Mammalia Infraclass: Marsupialia Family: Vombatidae
Appearance: Stocky and robust, this creature has flattened claws, short legs and a fur-tucked tail. It has short, pointed ears and a rounded, furry nose.
Reaction to being attacked: flees, dives into a burrow
Trophy: silky fur when skinning, meat
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Xanthe »

[reddish-brown] antelope
(based on the red Lechwe)
Habitat: swampland
Male Appearance: Medium sized, this creature has black forelegs and hocks. White patches surround its eyes and it has long, spiraling horns that curve backward with the tips pointing up. It has rounded, upright ears and black eyes.
Female appearance: Medium sized, this creature has black forelegs and hocks. White patches surround its black eyes and it has rounded, upright ears.
Behavior: Spooks easily when it sees someone or it's attacked; flees
Trophy: Pelt, meat, horns, skull

[tan] [reddish-brown] pronghorn
Habitat: temperate grasslands, scrub, forest, woodlands, shrublands
Male Appearance: With white decorating its inner legs, rump and belly, this deer-like creature has a wide black mask that runs from its eyes down to its nose. There is a black patch upon its neck and it sports pronged black horns upon its head, with the horns curving inward towards each other like a lyre.
Female Appearance: With white decorating its inner legs, rump and belly, this deer-like creature sports straight, short spiked horns.
Behavior: When spooked, runs a few rooms away. They're speed runners.
Trophies: pelt, horns from the males, meat, bones, hooves

[light-grey] [dark-grey][brown] [grizzled-grey] [tan] hog badger
Habitat: Grasslands, hills, mountains, tropical areas
Appearance: This badger is stocky in build and has a pig-like snout. Black and white stripes cover its face and it has a white throat and ears. Its pale claws are curved slightly.
Behavior: Aggressive and will fight back when attacked.
Trophies: Pelt, claws, meat
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Gorth »

I don't have animal descriptions, cause I'm bad at this stuff, but hunting gators or snakes near the swampy areas would be cool.

But I really bumped this topic because I wanted to add that making it so that butchering gave skinning practice (less than actually skinning) would be awesome. Butchering is hard to do, properly. Especially field butchering.
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Re: Suggestions for Hunting, and New Huntables!

Post by Squeak »

A ragged [mud-brown] [dirty-brown] [reddish-brown] nutria
A large, semi-aquatic rodent with a thick, brown fur coat and a distinctive long, slender tail. Known for their webbed feet and orange-colored incisors, they are often found in wetlands and riverbanks, where they build lodges and burrows.
Trophies: Pelt (small), incisors x2, meat x5
Habitat: Coasta, along rivers and ponds

A sleek [pristine-white, brownish-black, opalescent-pearl]-feathered osprey
A large raptor with striking white underparts, a dark brown back, and a distinctive black eye stripe, this osprey is often seen soaring above water in search of fish. Known for their impressive fishing skills, they have sharp talons and reversible outer toes to securely grasp their prey.
Trophies: Feathers x4, talons x2
Habitat: Coastal

A mottled [grayish-green] [reddish-brown] [olive drab] giant grasshopper
A giant grasshopper features a mottled carapace that provides camouflage against its surroundings, with patterns of earthy tones blending seamlessly into its environment. Its massive mandibles, formidable and curved, are adapted for powerful chewing and can be intimidating to both predators and potential rivals.
Trophies: Mandibles x2, Legs x2 (can be cooked)
Habitat: Coastal, plains

A vivid-[orange,red,pink,blue] giant slug
A vividly colored giant slug inhabiting jungle environments boasts a striking, iridescent hue that can range from bright oranges to deep blues, providing a stunning contrast against the lush greenery. Its smooth, glistening body is adorned with subtle, bioluminescent patterns that can shimmer in the dim light of the jungle floor.
Trophies: None
Habitat: Jungle, Wetlands

A speckled [gray] [vibrant-red] [arsenic] [inky-black] giant salamander:
Though long, this amphibian is narrow of body and characterized by a wrinkled, speckled skin that is otherwise completely smooth. It has webbed feet and tiny, negligible claws on each of its four toes and a broad head with small, beady eyes.
Trophies: Skin (medium)
Habitat: Jungle

[amber-hued] [reddish-brown] [saffron] capybara:
A large rodent, this capybara features a robust, barrel-shaped body covered in coarse fur and a broad, deep muzzle with large incisors.
Trophies: Meat x10, Fur (Medium)
Habitat: Swamp, Jungle, and along rivers
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