Group afk?

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Group afk?

Post by artus »

This comes up as a subject after we got a few chat reminders on a few occasions of scattering, and might come in handy once chat goes away. It's something when it's around and people rely on it for communication, and some, newer folks perhaps, might not even know it's planned to go away until they look up our recent faq topic.

As of current, we can see group members afk when we type group to check who we have, but not when they themselves go afk, which sometimes they may not get to tell for whatever reason. There might be things that require them to go just as someone's dying and needing help badly.

Could it be possible to add something like group afk to notify everyone in the group that you're away from keyboard? It probably won't help anyway if we're scattered and someone happens to leave our group while still alive, but at least we have something to rely on as a mean of ooc signal, because we definitely don't want chat reminder each time we scatter, get confused among ourselves and get lost then something comes up on someone's end. It might also help with people overrelying on something that will eventually be account screen only feature like chat anyway.
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Re: Group afk?

Post by Rias »

Per today's changelog: The AFK command will now also send a message to any group members not in the same room.
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