Two quick non-generalized ability suggestions

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Two quick non-generalized ability suggestions

Post by Zeldryn »

Good evening/morning all! Just had a quick suggestion, here. Nothing complicated, really. Just a thought I had while randomly musing on abilities. I don't think these are *needed*. But they'd be nice-- particularly the mercenary one.

This could either be one ability designated to the mercenaries, one designated to the Wyrvardn, or one for both. Both are tactics, and both are variations on the swashbuckling tactic, detailed below.

Information on Tactics: Swashbuckling:
Swashbuckling involves constant movement, both footwork and swordplay. Swashbuckling is a good way to keep an opponent unbalanced and on the defensive.
(OOC: When wielding a light sword and having the off-hand free or holding a buckler or main-gauche, passive chance to perform disarms and feints before an attack, and an increased chance to riposte.)
Prerequisites: Melee: Disarm and Melee: Feint
Skill Requirements: 250 Swords

Mercenary version:

Information on Tactics: Mobility:
Mobility on the battlefield can be the difference between life and death. A seasoned mercenary can encircle his adversary and provide the oppurtunity to hamper the mobility of his opponent.
(OOC: When wielding a light sword and having the off-hand free or holding a stiletto, passive chance to perform disarms, feints, and hamstrings before an attack.)
Prerequisites: Melee: Disarm, Melee: Feint and Hamstring
Skill Requirements: 250 Swords, 250 daggers, 450 melee and 150 perception

Wyrvardn Version:

Information on Tactics: Phalanx:
The reformed Wyrvardn are known for their intricate use of the heater shield. Combined with the reach offered by polearms, they are exceedingly capable at neutralizing enemies whilst protecting allies.
(OOC: When wielding a one-handed polearm and having the off-hand free or holding a heater shield, , passive chance to perform disarms and feints before an attack, and a slight increase of heater shield effectiveness when the user is targeted specifically.)
Prerequisites: Melee: Disarm, Melee: Feint and Shield of Courage
Skill Requirements: 250 polearms, 250 shields, 450 melee

Thanks for reading, and I hope the suggestions are welcome ones!
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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Joined: Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:17 am

Re: Two quick non-generalized ability suggestions

Post by verel »

Pretty sure you meant 540 melee, could be wrong...
Posts: 55
Joined: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:25 pm

Re: Two quick non-generalized ability suggestions

Post by glare »

Honestly, since both those guilds tend to be the ones leading groups. What they really need is an ability to ensure or drastically increase the movements and melee break rates of everyone in their group so they can follow them out of an engagement.

Massive spam battles seem to be popular event stock but as far as I know, we have no way of actually maneuvering during said battle in terms of group maneuvers or even a simple retreat in such a fashion that doesn't result in someone's death.
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